325 results found
Medical tests
… of energy used by the body. Insulin is a hormone that helps your body's cells use the glucose. Insulin is produced in the pancreas and released into the blood when the amount of glucose in the blood rises. Normally, … to release insulin so that your blood glucose levels do not get too high. Blood glucose levels that remain high over …
Medical tests
… that have abnormal types of hemoglobin in the blood. Help couples find out how likely they are to have a child … (inherited). How To Prepare Tell your doctor if you are getting iron therapy for iron deficiency anemia . How It Is … to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all …
Medical tests
… in the lung. Two types of lung scans are usually done together. They are: Ventilation scan. You inhale a radioactive … from this scan can show areas of the lungs that aren't getting enough air or that hold too much air. Perfusion … the test, drink lots of fluids for the next 24 hours to help flush the tracer out of your body. Radioactive tracer …
Medical tests
… unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if you get nervous in tight spaces. You may get a medicine to help you relax. If you think you'll get this medicine, be … If a contrast material is used, you may feel some coolness when it is put into your IV. In rare cases, you may feel: …
Medical tests
… transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds to look at the whole pelvic area. Transperineal and translabial ultrasound. … pelvis. Guide the placement of a needle during a biopsy or when draining the fluid from a cyst or abscess . Check for … if urinary problems are being caused by a prostate that is getting bigger, such as from benign prostatic hypertrophy …
Medical tests
… which the tracer spreads through the liver and spleen can help find cysts , abscesses , certain types of tumours, or … you may want to pump enough breast milk before the test to get through 1 to 2 days of feeding. The radioactive tracer used in this test can get into your breast milk and is not good for the baby. How …
Medical tests
… (SPEP) test measures specific proteins in the blood to help identify some diseases. Proteins are substances made up … or a negative electrical charge, and they move in fluid when placed in an electrical field. Serum protein … moves at a different rate in an electrical field and together form a specific pattern. This pattern helps identify …
Medical tests
… the human papillomavirus (HPV) . Talk to your doctor about getting the HPV shots to prevent infection with the types of … of the cervix . Finding these changes and treating them when needed will greatly lower your chance of getting … cervical cancer. How To Prepare Try to schedule the test when you're not having your period, since blood can …
Medical tests
… If you are taking thyroid medicines, tell your doctor when you took your last dose. You may need to stop taking … usually from the arm. Heel stick A heel stick is used to get a blood sample from a baby. The baby's heel is poked, … bruise where the heel was poked. How It Feels Blood test When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all …
Medical tests
… Overview Tympanometry tests the movement of the eardrum when an ear infection or other middle ear problem is … and the sound. The results of this test are used to help figure out what is going on in the ear. Why It Is Done … child may need. Results Normally the eardrum moves easily when pressure in the ear canal is changed. Most of the time, …