322 results found
Medical tests
… to put a needle into the vein. Clean the needle site with alcohol. Put the needle into the vein. More than one needle … from having a blood sample taken from a vein. You may get a small bruise at the site. You can lower the chance of … , Alzheimer's disease , or certain cancers. Using too much alcohol. Your sex. Homocysteine levels are normally higher …
Medical tests
… doctor about your general health, helps look for certain problems, and finds out whether treatment for a specific problem is working. Some chemistry … eat high-fat foods the night before the test. Do not drink alcohol before you have this test. How It Is Done A health …
Medical tests
… (BPH) has on urine flow or to monitor the effect of treatment. Your doctor and studies about treatment for BPH … men. A urine flow rate that is normal or nearly normal in someone with BPH may mean that the bladder has become … men. A urine flow rate that is normal or nearly normal in someone with BPH may mean that the bladder has become …
Medical tests
… If the RBC count is low (anemia), the body may not be getting the oxygen it needs. If the count is too high (a … disease, some cancers, certain forms of heart disease, alcohol use disorder , liver disease, a rare disorder of the … , underactive adrenal glands , thyroid gland problems, certain medicines, and removal of the spleen can …
Medical tests
… bones and teeth, help nerves work, make muscles squeeze together, help blood clot, and help the heart to work. Almost … how well it's being absorbed by your intestines. Look for problems that cause your bones to lose calcium. See how well … by diseases such as celiac disease , pancreatitis , and alcohol use disorder . Medical Tests: …
Medical tests
… around inside that space. This test is done to look for problems such as infection, inflammation, or cancer. The … take them with only a sip of water. Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get home on your own. Understand exactly what procedure is …
Medical tests
… activity. Your doctor can tell what kind of heart rhythm problems you have and where those problems are. Sometimes … perfumes, deodorants, or nail polish. Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get home on your own. Understand exactly what procedure is …
Medical tests
… The test can give information about your health and problems you may have. The kidneys take out waste material, … midstream urine sample. It collects urine without getting bacteria from the skin in the sample. Open the … severe diarrhea, dehydration, starvation, drinking too much alcohol, or drinking antifreeze (ethylene glycol). Protein …
Medical tests
… such as diuretics and potassium supplements. Certain cancer treatments that destroy cancer cells can also make potassium … for the body's needs. But if your potassium levels get low, it can take some time for your body to start … potassium levels include severe burns, cystic fibrosis , alcohol use disorder , Cushing's syndrome , dehydration, …
Medical tests
… find the cause of chest pain that is not caused by heart problems. Help find the cause of GERD symptoms if you have … for using other medicines before the test. Do not drink alcohol or smoke for 24 hours before the test. Do not eat or … for a careful sponge bath, or do anything else that might get the device wet. For wireless pH monitoring, you will …