329 results found
Medical tests
… having a lipase test. How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. … Normal Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a …
Medical tests
… scan is a type of nuclear scanning test. It is most often used to find a pulmonary embolism . This is a blood clot … scan. A radioactive tracer is injected into a vein in your arm. It travels through your blood and into the lungs. Pictures from this scan can …
Medical tests
… Overview An angiogram of the lung is an X-ray test that uses a special dye and camera ( fluoroscopy ) to take … day after the test. If you take these medicines, talk with your doctor. This test can be done as an inpatient or … day. The test may take several hours, so you will empty your bladder just before it starts. Before the angiogram you …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done Results Overview The retrograde pyelogram uses a dye to find out whether a kidney stone or something else is blocking your urinary tract . During the test, your doctor will insert a thin, lighted tube ( cystoscope ) …
Medical tests
… to find germs (such as bacteria or a fungus) that can cause an infection. A sample of stool is added to a substance … This is called sensitivity testing. Depending on what your stool is being tested for, you may only need to collect … an infection has worked as it should. How To Prepare Tell your doctor if you have recently taken antibiotics, …
Medical tests
… from a vein. Why It Is Done LDH levels help find the cause of lung disease, lymphoma, anemia, and liver disease. … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is done A health … Results Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview A carbon monoxide blood test is used to detect carbon monoxide poisoning . Poisoning can … breathing it. The test measures the amount of hemoglobin in your blood that has bonded with carbon monoxide. Carbon … the oxygen that is normally carried by the hemoglobin in your red blood cells. As a result, your brain and other …
Medical tests
… Risks Results Test Overview Doctors use the KOH preparation test to find out if you have a … the solution that is used in the test. Why It Is Done Your doctor may do a KOH test to find out if you have one of … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A doctor or nurse …
Medical tests
… or EP study, is a test to see if there is a problem with your heartbeat (heart rhythm) and to find out how to fix it. … electricity. The electrodes collect information about your heart's electrical activity. Your doctor can tell what … at the same time. A procedure called catheter ablation uses the catheters to destroy (ablate) small areas of your …
Medical tests
… D test measures the amount of vitamin D in the blood. Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium . Calcium keeps your bones and muscles healthy and strong. If your muscles … chance of getting a rare disease called rickets . Your body uses sunshine to make its own vitamin D. Vitamin D is found …