329 results found
Medical tests
… a triple renal study). Different radioactive tracers are used depending on what kind of scan is being done. Areas of … The radioactive tracer used in this test can get into your breast milk and is not good for the baby. How It Is … with the scan. You may need to take off all or most of your clothes, depending on which area is being examined. …
Medical tests
… (BNP) test measures the amount of the BNP hormone in your blood. BNP is made by your heart and shows how well your heart is working. … the blood level of BNP. Why It Is Done The BNP test is used to: Check to see if you have heart failure. A doctor …
Medical tests
… called German measles or 3-day measles) usually does not cause long-term problems. But someone infected with the … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health … Results Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for …
Medical tests
… a lower gastrointestinal (GI) examination. The test is used to help find diseases and other problems that affect … heart, or liver disease and have to limit fluids, talk with your doctor before you increase the amount of fluids you drink. You will take a laxative. Your doctor will give you this to empty your intestines. You …
Medical tests
… (also called an echo) is a type of ultrasound test that uses high-pitched sound waves that are sent through a device … the sound waves as they bounce off the different parts of your heart. These echoes are turned into moving pictures of your heart that can be seen on a video screen. …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview A computed tomography (CT) scan uses X-rays to make pictures of the head and face. During … the CT scanner, which is a large doughnut-shaped machine. Your head will be positioned inside the scanner. The CT … dye called contrast material may be put in a vein ( IV ) in your arm or into the spinal canal. The dye makes structures …
Medical tests
… Test Overview The blood supply to your hand normally comes from two arteries: the radial … the ulnar artery. A procedure called the Allen test can be used to find out if blood flow to your hand is normal. This test checks to see if both of …
Medical tests
… body. No instruments are inserted in the body. Doctors can use MRC to find gallstones before surgery to remove the … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Medical tests
… of ferritin in the blood shows how much iron is stored in your body. Why It Is Done A ferritin blood test is done to: Find the cause of anemia , especially iron deficiency anemia. See if … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health …
Medical tests
… Overview A testicular ultrasound (sonogram) is a test that uses reflected sound waves to show a picture of the … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A testicular … or hospital. Before the test, you'll need to take off all your clothes from the waist down. You will put on a gown. …