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Medical tests
… It's a common problem. Most erection problems are caused by a mix of blood vessel, nerve, or psychological issues. To find the cause, your doctor will first ask about your sexual history and do … or depression. The use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs . Psychological tests may be needed if no physical …
Medical tests
… Overview Fertility awareness is a way to check the changes your body goes through during your menstrual cycle . (It's … 5 days before you ovulate. For fertility awareness to be used as birth control, either you must not have sex or you … Easy-to-read digital thermometers can be found in most drugstores or at family planning clinics. Do not use a …
Medical tests
… of these) has been injected into the joint. This allows your doctor to see the soft tissue structures of your joint, such as tendons , ligaments , muscles, cartilage … material. A special type of X-ray, called fluoroscopy , is used to take pictures of the joint. An arthrogram is used to …
Medical tests
… It measures the density of minerals (such as calcium ) in your bones. This information helps your doctor estimate the strength of your bones. We all lose … naturally become thinner as you grow older. This is because existing bone tissue is broken down faster than new bone …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio waves to make … ultrasound , or CT scan . The MRI makes pictures that show your breast's normal structure; tissue damage or disease, … might hear it called a "fast MRI.") This test is something your doctor or breast cancer screening centre may offer. Why …
Medical tests
… nicotine—or the chemicals it produces, such as cotinine—in your blood or urine. It's usually done by testing a sample of your blood or urine. The test is used to see if you smoke or use other forms of tobacco. All …
Medical tests
… Overview A dilated eye examination lets your eye doctor see the back of your eye ( retina ). It's usually done as part of a regular eye examination. To do the test, the doctor uses a light and a magnifying tool. Why is a dilated eye …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Body temperature is a measure of how well your body can make and get rid of heat. The body is very … change a lot. When you are too hot, the blood vessels in your skin widen to carry the excess heat to your skin's … you take a temperature, read the instructions for how to use your type of thermometer. Oral (by mouth) is the most …
Medical tests
… Results Test Overview Retinal imaging uses special cameras and scanners to make magnified images, or pictures, of the back of your eye . This includes the retina. It's the part of the eye that's most responsible for your vision. Common imaging methods include: Colour and …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A breath alcohol test is an estimate of your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). The test measures … in the air that you breathe out (exhale). You can measure your own breath alcohol level with a simple hand-held device. If the device is calibrated and used according to the manufacturer's directions, it can …