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329 results found
Medical tests
… germs (such as bacteria, a virus, or a fungus ) that can cause an infection. A sample of skin, tissue, or fluid is … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. If you are taking or have recently taken antibiotics , tell your doctor. How It Is Done To collect a tissue or fluid …
Medical tests
… A biophysical profile (BPP) test measures the health of your baby (fetus) during pregnancy. A BPP test may include a … heart monitoring and a fetal ultrasound . The BPP measures your baby's heart rate, muscle tone, movement, breathing, … to stop smoking for 2 hours before testing. This is because smoking affects the baby's heart rate and movements. You …
Medical tests
… people have one of four blood types: A, B, AB, or O. If your red blood cells have: The A antigen. You have type A blood. The liquid portion of your blood (plasma) has antibodies that attack type B blood. … and it occurs immediately when incompatible blood is transfused. A transfusion reaction can be mild or cause a serious …
Medical tests
… (EKG or ECG) is a test that checks for changes in your heart while you exercise. Sometimes EKG abnormalities … are called ventricles. A natural electrical system causes the heart muscle to contract and pump blood through the … an increased chance of having heart disease. How To Prepare Your doctor may recommend how you should eat before the …
Medical tests
… Overview A transesophageal echocardiogram is a test to help your doctor look at the inside of your heart. A small device called a transducer directs sound … be monitored throughout the procedure. Also, a small device used to measure the amount of oxygen in your blood ( pulse …
Medical tests
… through a ureter or the urethra may be painless or it may cause severe pain. A kidney stone may cause other symptoms, … Prepare If you think you might have a kidney stone, talk to your doctor. You may be told to collect the stone by … give you a kidney stone strainer, or you may buy one from a drugstore. How It Is Done Straining the first urine specimen …
Medical tests
… bind to foreign substances, such as bacteria and viruses, and cause them to be destroyed. The following … get a blood transfusion, the transfused blood must match your type. That means the transfused blood must have the same antigens as your red blood cells. If you get a transfusion of blood with …
Medical tests
… the genitals, which are the penis, scrotum, and testicles. Your doctor will feel the organs and check them for lumps, … Testicular examination This examination can help find the causes of symptoms like pain, inflammation, swelling, or lumps … do anything special to prepare for an examination done by your doctor. But for comfort, you may want to empty your
Medical tests
… This organ is called the cochlea. Sound vibrations cause the fluid in the inner ear to move, which bends tiny … and doctors' groups suggest routine screening. Talk to your doctor about whether your child has been or should be tested. To screen children …