329 results found
Medical tests
… Test Overview At-home genetic tests check the DNA of your cells. These tests can find changes in your genes that increase your risk for certain health … results. Risks There are some things to consider when you use an at-home genetic test. The test may not be as accurate …
Medical tests
… from metabolism . The blood carries carbon dioxide to your lungs, where it is exhaled. More than 90% of it in your blood exists in the form of bicarbonate (HCO3). The … group of blood tests (chemistry screen) to help find the cause of many kinds of symptoms, including many kidney …
Medical tests
… (ACTH). Cortisol has many functions. It helps the body use sugar (glucose) and fat for energy ( metabolism ). It … the toilet. Don't save this urine. This marks the start of your 24-hour period. For the next 24 hours, collect all your urine. Your doctor or lab will give you a large …
Medical tests
… if there is any active virus in the blood. It's sometimes used to see how well treatment for hepatitis C is working. … there is nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health … means that you don't have hepatitis C. This can happen if your body cures the infection on its own. Or it can happen …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview A stool test is one of many tests used to look for colorectal cancer . Colorectal cancer … colonography . Which screening test you choose depends on your risk, your preference, and your doctor. Talk to your doctor about …
Medical tests
… On this page: Overview Why It Is Done Results Overview Your doctor may take a sample, or biopsy, of abnormal … A microscopic examination on the biopsied tissue can help your doctor find out whether human papillomavirus (HPV) is … medicine ( local anesthetic ). This is more likely to be used for biopsies of the outer genital area on both men and …
Medical tests
… 24 hours. Uric acid is made from the natural breakdown of your body's cells. It's also made from the foods you eat. Your kidneys take uric acid out of your blood and put it … the urine can get too low. High levels of uric acid can cause crystals to form in joints. This causes a painful …
Medical tests
… ALP than the other organs or the bones. Some conditions cause large amounts of ALP in the blood. These conditions … up after eating, especially after you eat fatty foods. Tell your doctor ALL the medicines and natural health products … you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop …
Medical tests
… increase the amount of catecholamines in the blood. This causes high blood pressure, excessive sweating, headaches, … test. Do not use tobacco for 4 hours before the blood test. Your doctor may ask you to stop certain medicines, such as … Be sure to keep warm, because being cold can also increase your levels. Ask for a blanket if you feel cold. How It Is …
Medical tests
… looks for the genetic material ( RNA ) of the virus that causes hepatitis or for the proteins ( antibodies ) the body makes against HCV. These proteins will be present in your blood if you have a hepatitis C infection now or have … You have an HIV infection. The tests also are done to help your doctor decide about your treatment and see how well it …