329 results found
Medical tests
… blood. Help couples find out how likely they are to have a child with certain forms of anemia that can be passed from a parent to a child (inherited). How To Prepare Tell your doctor if you are getting iron therapy for iron … Normal Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Laryngoscopy is an examination that lets your doctor look at the back of your throat, your voice box (larynx) , and vocal cords with … hard for several hours after the laryngoscopy. If your child is having this procedure, the same is also true. If …
Medical tests
… test that can check for problem areas in certain tissues in your body. A radioactive tracer (tracer) called gallium … being examined. You will be given a cloth or paper to cover yourself during the test. You will lie on your back on a … still during the scan. Ask for a pillow or blanket to make yourself as comfortable as you can before the scan begins. …
Medical tests
… the level of immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies , in your blood. Antibodies are substances made by the body's … IgE often are found in people who have allergic reactions, asthma, atopic dermatitis , some types of cancer, and … IgE often are found in people who have allergic reactions, asthma, atopic dermatitis , some types of cancer, and …
Medical tests
… different functions of the eye. Some of the tests measure your ability to see details at near and far distances, check for gaps or defects in your field of vision, and evaluate your ability to see … have routine eye examinations changes as you age. Adults, children, and teens have different schedules for eye …
Medical tests
… IgE levels are often higher in people who have allergies or asthma. Other lab testing methods, such as … or Pharmacia CAP), may be used to provide more information. Your allergy test results may show that allergy treatment is … IgE levels are often higher in people who have allergies or asthma. Other lab testing methods, such as …
Medical tests
… a dye called contrast material is injected into a vein in your arm. A series of X-ray pictures is then taken at timed … have an enema the morning of the test) to make sure that your bowels are empty. If you are breastfeeding, you may … a bee or from eating shellfish. This test is often done in children to see if they may have an abnormal backflow of …
Medical tests
… It Feels Risks Results Test Overview Your pulse is the rate at which your heart beats. Your pulse … level Beats per minute (bpm) Babies to age 1: 100–160 Children ages 1 to 10: 70–120 Children ages 11 to 17: 60–100 … medicines, such as decongestants and those used to treat asthma. Fever. Some types of heart disease. An overactive …
Medical tests
… Overview Fertility awareness is a way to check the changes your body goes through during your menstrual cycle . (It's … your fertile period is from day 8 to day 20, so protect yourself from becoming pregnant for these 12 days of your … secretions can be done. Every day of your cycle, ask yourself these two questions: Did I have secretions today? …
Medical tests
… or cloudy), odour, concentration, and acidity (pH) of your urine. It also checks your levels of protein, sugar, … a kidney disease, some urinary tract infections, and asthma . A low (acidic) pH may be caused by severe lung … a kidney disease, some urinary tract infections, and asthma . A low (acidic) pH may be caused by severe lung …