76 results found
Medical tests
… pancreas . A flexible, lighted scope ( endoscope ) and X-ray pictures are used. The scope is put through the mouth … drain into the duodenum. A dye is put into the ducts, and X-rays are then taken. ERCP can diagnose and treat certain … the test. Your throat may be numbed with an anesthetic spray, gargle, or lozenge to relax your gag reflex. This makes …
Medical tests
… for surgery You may need to empty your colon with an enema or laxative. Your doctor will tell you how to do this. … for surgery You may need to empty your colon with an enema or laxative. Your doctor will tell you how to do this. …
Medical tests
… Test Overview An angiogram is an X-ray test that uses dye and a camera to take pictures of the … injected through the tube to make the area easier to see. X-rays or pictures are taken of the area. You will be given … heart rate and rhythm. You will lie on your back on an X-ray table. A strap, tape, or sandbags may be used to hold …
Medical tests
… is often done on bone areas that show problems on an X-ray . Computed tomography ( CT scan ) or a bone scan may be … bone cancer) that was found by another test, such as an X-ray, CT scan, bone scan, or a magnetic resonance imaging … of ongoing bone pain. Check bone problems seen on an X-ray. An open bone biopsy allows your doctor to do surgical …
Medical tests
… urinating. The doctor will remove the catheter. Sometimes X-rays are taken during a test. If they are, your bladder may be filled with fluid that will show up on an X-ray. How long the test takes How long the test will take … urinating. The doctor will remove the catheter. Sometimes X-rays are taken during a test. If they are, your bladder may …
Medical tests
… muscle and bone. DXA. This is also called dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. DXA is a type of X-ray that can tell how much fat tissue you have and where it … muscle and bone. DXA. This is also called dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. DXA is a type of X-ray that can tell how …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A computed tomography (CT) scan uses X-rays to make pictures of the head and face. During the test, … be positioned inside the scanner. The CT scanner sends X-rays through the head. Each rotation of the scanner provides … to radiation, including the small amounts used in CTs, X-rays, and other medical tests. Over time, exposure to …
Medical tests
… you are having a transrectal ultrasound , you may need an enema before the test. For transrectal ultrasound , you will … you are having a transrectal ultrasound , you may need an enema before the test. For transrectal ultrasound , you will …
Medical tests
… Take tissue samples when other tests, such as a chest X-ray or CT scan , show problems with the lung or with lymph … level will be checked during the procedure. A chest X-ray may be done before and after the bronchoscopy. Flexible … Before the procedure, your doctor will probably spray a local anesthetic into your nose and mouth. This numbs …
Medical tests
… about structures in the body than can be seen with an X-ray , ultrasound , or computed tomography (CT) scan . MRI … to provide more information about a problem seen on an X-ray, ultrasound scan, or CT scan. Contrast material may be … MRI may also be used to tell if a bone is broken when X-ray results are not clear. MRI is done more commonly than …