201 results found
Medical tests
… , in your blood. Antibodies are substances made by the body's immune system in response to bacteria, viruses, … are: IgA. IgA antibodies are found in areas of the body such the nose, breathing passages, digestive tract, ears, eyes, and vagina. IgA antibodies protect body surfaces that are exposed to outside foreign …
Medical tests
… Overview An autopsy is a thorough medical examination of a body after death. It may be done to learn about a disease or … pathologist . This type of doctor is an expert in examining body tissues and fluids. Family members may ask for an … they may ask that it be limited to certain parts of the body. Make sure that what you request will allow the doctor …
Medical tests
… keep the water (the amount of fluid inside and outside the body's cells) and electrolyte balance of the body. Sodium is also important in how nerves and muscles work. Most of the sodium in the body (about 85%) is found in blood and lymph fluid . Sodium …
Medical tests
… helps balance the amounts of water and electrolytes in the body. (Water is the amount of fluid inside and outside the body's cells.) It is also important in how nerves and … the amount of potassium you eat. The hormone levels in your body, severe vomiting, and taking certain medicines such as …
Medical tests
… cell (WBC, leukocyte) count. White blood cells protect the body against infection. If an infection develops, white … is sometimes used to find an infection or to see how the body is dealing with cancer treatment. White blood cell … Each type of cell plays a different role in protecting the body. The numbers of each one of these types of white blood …
Medical tests
… test that measures the level of lactic acid made in the body. Most of it is made by muscle tissue and red blood cells . When the oxygen level in the body is normal, carbohydrate breaks down into water and … or shock —lower the flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body. Lactic acid levels can also get higher when the liver …
Medical tests
… pituitary gland controls the level of testosterone in the body. When the testosterone level is low, the pituitary … voice, get bigger muscles, make sperm , and get facial and body hair. The level of testosterone starts to decline … the ovaries account for half of the testosterone in the body. Women have a much smaller amount of testosterone in …
Medical tests
… a tracer (radioactive substance) to look at organs in the body. The tracer usually is a special form of a substance … or IV ) in your arm. The tracer moves through your body, where much of it collects in the specific organ or … cancer is and whether it has spread to another area of the body (metastasized). It is often necessary to do both CT and …
Medical tests
… Uric acid is produced from the natural breakdown of your body's cells and from the foods you eat. Most of the uric … acid is filtered out by the kidneys and passes out of the body in urine. A small amount passes out of the body in stool. But if too much uric acid is being produced …
Medical tests
… used in imaging tests that help find problems inside the body. These tracers give off particles that can be detected … it into the lungs. The tracer then travels through the body and may collect in a certain organ or area. The types … benefits of the test. Most of the tracer will leave your body through your urine or stool within a day. So be sure to …