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329 results found
Medical tests
… Direct ophthalmoscopy. Your doctor uses a tool that is about the size of a small flashlight. It has many lenses that can magnify up to about 15 times. Indirect ophthalmoscopy. Your doctor uses a … use eyedrops to numb the surface of your eyes. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to fully dilate the pupils. Direct …
Medical tests
… test A morning urine sample gives the best information about albumin levels. Wash your hands before you collect the … place the collection container in the stream. Collect about 60 mL (2 fl oz) of this "midstream" urine without … Your doctor will give you a large container that holds about 4 L (1 gal) . You will use the container to collect …
Medical tests
… may then be asked to hold your breath for short periods (about 10 seconds) and to change positions. This is done so … takes The two scans are usually done together and will take about an hour. The ventilation scan takes about 15 to 30 minutes, and the perfusion scan takes about 5 …
Medical tests
… to talk to a genetic counsellor before making a decision about testing. Genetic counsellors are trained to explain … help you make well-informed decisions. Talk to your doctor about any concerns you have regarding the need for the test, … to talk to a genetic counsellor before making a decision about testing. Genetic counsellors are trained to explain …
Medical tests
Medical tests
… so that you understand what the test results could mean about your HIV infection. How It Is Done A health … so that you understand what the test results could mean about your HIV infection. How It Is Done A health …
Medical tests
… Swish the mixture around in your mouth with your tongue for about 30 seconds and then spit it out. Disclosing solution … some disclosing solution in your mouth, swish it around for about 30 seconds, and then spit the solution out. Disclosing … Swish the mixture around in your mouth with your tongue for about 30 seconds and then spit it out. Disclosing solution …