228 results found
Medical tests
… a vein in your arm so your doctor can give you medicine or fluids if needed. Small pads or patches (electrodes) are … cylinder or rectangular box that takes the pictures during fluoroscopy will be moved above you. The fluoroscope will move under you during the test. The place …
Medical tests
Medical tests
… test is done to find out why you might be having certain symptoms, such as fainting or feeling light-headed. Your doctor can see if your symptoms are caused by problems with your heart rate or … the table is tilted up. You will be asked if you feel any symptoms like nausea, sweating, dizziness, or an abnormal …
Medical tests
… Overview For a giardia antigen test, a stool sample or fluid from the upper part of the intestines (duodenal fluid) is tested in the lab for the presence of antigens … antigen test may be done if a person's medical history and symptoms suggest giardiasis . This test may be done to check …
Medical tests
… they last, and whether they occur at the same time you have symptoms. Because arrhythmias can come and go, it may be … pain or pressure, dizziness, or fainting. These may be symptoms of heart problems. Check to see if treatment for an … may ask you to keep a diary of all of your activities and symptoms while you wear the monitor. You will write down the …
Medical tests
… (MS) , the doctor will collect information about your symptoms. The kinds of symptoms, as well as how and when they occur, are important in evaluating whether you might have MS. Even symptoms that you might have had several years ago can be …
Medical tests
… can be seen only during exercise or while you have symptoms. This test is sometimes called a "stress test" or a … are able to tolerate exercise. Help find the cause of symptoms that occur during exercise or activity, such as … surgery, especially if the person has chest pain or other symptoms. See how well medicine or other treatment for …
Medical tests
… periods may mean that you often have abnormal backflow (reflux) of stomach acid into the esophagus ( gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD ). Esophageal manometry . This checks … not caused by heart problems. Help find the cause of GERD symptoms if you have not been helped by medicine and your …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Tests for bacterial vaginosis take samples of fluid from the vagina . The samples are looked at under a … normally in the vagina overgrow. It doesn't always cause symptoms. But the most common symptom is an increase in … to see the inside of the vagina and the cervix . Samples of fluid inside the vagina are then collected with a swab. How …
Medical tests
… water and electrolytes in the body. (Water is the amount of fluid inside and outside the body's cells.) It is also … high or too low can be serious. Abnormal levels may cause symptoms such as muscle cramps or weakness, nausea, … water and electrolytes in the body. (Water is the amount of fluid inside and outside the body's cells.) It is also …