305 results found
Medical tests
… Test Overview Amniocentesis is a test to look at the fluid that surrounds your baby ( fetus ) in the uterus . … is covered with a bandage. Your fetus's heart rate and your blood pressure, pulse, and breathing will be checked before, … a very small risk of causing bleeding that could mix your blood and your fetus's blood. So if you have Rh-negative …
Medical tests
… This test measures the amount of lead in a person's blood. Lead is a poisonous (toxic) metal that can damage the brain and other parts of the body. A lead test may be done on blood taken from the vein, a finger (finger stick), or the …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A sickle cell test is a blood test done to check for sickle cell trait or sickle cell disease . Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disease that causes red blood cells to be deformed ( … hemoglobin A. Sickled blood cells are destroyed by the body faster than normal blood cells. This causes anemia . …
Medical tests
… found in milk and milk products. A galactosemia test is a blood or urine test that checks for enzymes that are needed to change galactose into glucose, a sugar that your body uses for energy. A person with galactosemia doesn't … these enzymes, so high levels of galactose build up in the blood or urine. When galactose builds up in a baby's blood, …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Hepatitis B tests are blood tests that show whether you have an active hepatitis B … by bacteria or viruses. Antibodies , which are made by the body to fight infection. Hepatitis B DNA , which is the … have many sex partners, or are likely to be exposed to body fluids (such as if you are a health care worker). You've had …
Medical tests
… In many cases MRI gives information about structures in the body that cannot be seen as well with an X-ray , ultrasound … in the pictures. The contrast material may be used to check blood flow, find some types of tumours, and show areas of … out of the kidneys. No bleeding, abnormal collections of fluid, blockage in the flow of blood, or bulges in the blood …
Medical tests
… ), and the liquid that surrounds the fetus ( amniotic fluid ). The picture is displayed on a TV screen. It may be … the back of the baby's neck. This screening also includes blood tests that measure the levels of two substances that … breath or feel faint while lying on your back, your upper body may be raised or you may be turned on your side. A gel …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Hemochromatosis gene (HFE) testing is a blood test used to check for hereditary hemochromatosis, an inherited disorder that causes the body to absorb too much iron. The iron then builds up in the blood, liver, heart, pancreas, joints, skin, and other …
Medical tests
… (CO2) is a gaseous waste product from metabolism . The blood carries carbon dioxide to your lungs, where it is … anorexia , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) , fluid in the lungs ( pulmonary edema ), heart disease, … or uncontrolled diabetes . A serious infection of the whole body (sepsis). Medical Tests: Questions …
Medical tests
… or germ, that causes gonorrhea . Testing is done on body fluid or urine samples. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted … accurate. They can be done on urine samples or samples of body fluid from the area where the infection is suspected. …