275 results found
Medical tests
… Test Overview Hemochromatosis gene (HFE) testing is a blood test used to check for hereditary hemochromatosis, an … to absorb too much iron. The iron then builds up in the blood, liver, heart, pancreas, joints, skin, and other … menopause because, until that time, women regularly lose blood and iron during their monthly periods. Why It Is Done …
Medical tests
… test measures the amount of this enzyme in a sample of blood taken from a vein or in a sample of urine. Normally, only low levels of amylase are found in the blood or urine. But if the pancreas or salivary glands … or blocked, more amylase is usually released into the blood and urine. In the blood, amylase levels rise for only …
Medical tests
… each possible biopsy result. Your doctor may order certain blood tests, such as a complete blood count or clotting factors, before your procedure. … and how soon to do it. If you take aspirin or some other blood thinner, ask your doctor if you should stop taking it …
Medical tests
… For example, you may get one if a test shows that you have blood or protein in your urine. The biopsy is usually done … kidney biopsy is done to: Find kidney disease when there is blood or protein in the urine or when the kidneys are not … soon to do it. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop taking it before …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A reticulocyte count is a blood test that measures how fast red blood cells called reticulocytes are made by the bone marrow … your upper arm to stop the flow of blood. This makes the veins below the band larger so it is easier to put a needle …
Medical tests
… An ammonia test measures the amount of ammonia in the blood. Most ammonia in the body forms when protein is broken … , which is then eliminated in urine. Ammonia levels in the blood rise when the liver is not able to convert ammonia to … caused by cirrhosis or severe hepatitis . For this test, a blood sample may be taken from either a vein or an artery. …
Medical tests
… who has syphilis during pregnancy. Testing is done on blood, body fluid, or tissue samples. If a first screening … Why It Is Done A syphilis infection can spread through the bloodstream to all parts of the body. If not treated, … How It Is Done A syphilis test may be done on a sample of blood, sore, skin, or spinal fluid, depending on which type …
Medical tests
… and stress echocardiograms. A Doppler echo shows blood flow through the heart and blood vessels. It can be done during any of these types of … see how well your heart valves work and if there are blood clots or tumours inside the heart. Results Results are …
Medical tests
… and how soon to do it. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop taking it before … keep taking it. (These medicines include aspirin and other blood thinners.) Make sure that you understand exactly what …
Medical tests
… muscles to react in ways that aren't normal. If you have leg pain or numbness, you may have these tests to find out … and how soon to do it. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop taking it before …