265 results found
Medical tests
… in the pictures. The contrast material may be used to check blood flow, find some types of tumours, and show areas of … the liver to the gallbladder (bile duct). Check organs and blood vessels prior to organ transplantation or surgery. How … imaging (MRI) of the abdomen Normal: The organs and blood vessels are normal in size, shape, and location. No …
Medical tests
… of the eye, called the cornea. The fundus also contains blood vessels and the optic nerve . There are two types of … branching images. These are really just the outlines of the blood vessels of the retina. Indirect ophthalmoscopy With … white deposits beneath the retina called drusen, or broken blood vessels called hemorrhages) point to macular …
Medical tests
… the foods you eat. Your kidneys take uric acid out of your blood and put it into urine so that it can leave your body. … levels. Find the cause of a high level of uric acid in the blood and help choose the proper treatment. How To Prepare … not get toilet paper, pubic hair, stool (feces), menstrual blood, or other foreign matter in the urine sample. How It …
Medical tests
… lungs put oxygen into and remove carbon dioxide from your blood. Types of lung function tests include: Spirometry. Gas … let you know how well gases are being absorbed into your blood from your lungs. Gas diffusion tests include: Arterial blood gases . This test shows the amount of oxygen and …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) blood test is used to check for thyroid gland problems. TSH … It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How long the test takes The test will take a few minutes. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all from the …
Medical tests
… from each birth parent. Genes determine things like your blood type, hair colour, and eye colour. Genes can also … will depend on the test. Samples used in tests include: A blood sample from a vein. A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. A cell sample from the …
Medical tests
… that covers the brain and spinal cord. Problems with the blood vessels to the spine. This test may help find the … eating and drinking. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop taking it … keep taking it. (These medicines include aspirin and other blood thinners.) Make sure that you understand exactly what …
Medical tests
… can be checked include the: Abdominal aorta . This large blood vessel passes down the back of the chest and belly. It supplies blood to the lower part of the body and the legs. Liver . … . This organ helps fight infection. It also filters old red blood cells. The spleen sits to the left of the stomach, …
Medical tests
… the doctor may listen to your baby's heart and check your blood pressure, pulse, and breathing. Through the cervix … the doctor may listen to your baby's heart and check your blood pressure, pulse, and breathing. How long the test … chance that CVS could cause bleeding that could let your blood mix with your baby's blood. If you have Rh-negative …
Medical tests
… to check for bacteria, yeast, trichomoniasis, and white blood cells. Why It Is Done A vaginal wet mount is done to … trichomoniasis, or clue cells are found on the slide. White blood cells are not present or very low in number. Abnormal: High numbers of white blood cells often mean a vaginal infection. Yeast cells …