302 results found
Medical tests
… how much human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is in the blood. The test measures the amount of the genetic material ( RNA ) of HIV in the blood. Viral load is first measured when you are diagnosed … too low for the test to detect. CD4+ Cells HIV: Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Medical Tests: …
Medical tests
… to see on the CT pictures. The dye may be used to check blood flow and look for tumours, areas of inflammation , or … eyes or foreign objects in the eye. Look for problems or diseases of the air-filled cavities in the bones around the … after the test. Throw it out. There is a risk of damage to cells or tissue from being exposed to radiation, including …
Medical tests
… taken at timed intervals. IVP is commonly done to identify diseases of the urinary tract, such as kidney stones , … pyelogram (CT/IVP) is usually done to look for the cause of blood in the urine. Why It Is Done An IVP is done to: … that it be readjusted. Risks There is a risk of damage to cells or tissue from being exposed to radiation, including …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A ketone test checks for ketones in your blood or urine. Ketones are substances that are made when … with sugar (glucose) for energy or if your body can't use blood sugar (glucose) properly. Ketones can be tested in a … you can test for ketones anywhere you may be by using home blood or urine tests. Why It Is Done A blood test analyzed …
Medical tests
… This test measures the amount of lead in a person's blood. Lead is a poisonous (toxic) metal that can damage the … and other parts of the body. A lead test may be done on blood taken from the vein, a finger (finger stick), or the … you are using any natural health products. How It Is Done Blood sample from a heel stick A heel stick is used to get a …
Medical tests
… into a vein in the arm and then travels through the bloodstream to the kidneys. The tracer flows through the blood vessels in the kidneys and then is excreted into the … pictures of the tracer in the kidneys. This helps show cell activity and function in the kidneys. Many different …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Allergy testing involves having a skin or blood test to find out what substance, or allergen , may … they are rapid, reliable, and generally less expensive than blood tests, but either type of test may be used. Skin tests … used to detect a skin allergy called contact dermatitis . Blood test Allergy blood tests look for substances in the …
Medical tests
… attack , troponin proteins leak out of damaged heart muscle cells, and their levels in the bloodstream rise. The test might also check for an enzyme … are also found in other body tissues, their levels in the blood may rise when those other tissues are damaged. Cardiac …
Medical tests
… ("tox screen") checks for drugs or other chemicals in your blood, urine, or saliva. Drugs can be swallowed, inhaled, … heroin. Testing is often done on urine or saliva instead of blood. Many drugs will show up in a urine or saliva sample. … And urine and saliva tests are usually easier to do than blood tests. Why It Is Done Why are toxicology tests done? …
Medical tests
… Like a Pap test , an HPV test is done on a sample of cells collected from the cervix . HPV is a sexually … HPV is present. High-risk types of HPV cause changes in the cells of the cervix that can be seen as abnormal changes on a Pap test. Abnormal cervical cell changes may get better on their own without treatment. …