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295 results found
Medical tests
… or can be injected into a vein. It travels through your body, giving off radiation signals. The camera "sees" the … as hyperthyroidism . Another type of thyroid scan, a whole-body thyroid scan, may be done for people who have had … and your neck extended. It is important to lie still during this test. A special camera (called a gamma …
Medical tests
… such as the brain, heart, and kidneys. This helps your body prepare for "fight-or-flight" reactions. Your body breaks down these hormones and passes them into your … or fluids with vanilla. Licorice. Do not use tobacco at all during the 24-hour urine collection. Be sure to keep warm …
Medical tests
… organs or other structures in the pelvis and lower belly. During the examination, the doctor gently puts a lubricated, … organs, such as the bladder, can sometimes also be felt during a digital rectal examination. Why It Is Done A … growths. How It Feels Men may feel some discomfort or pain during a digital rectal examination (DRE). Your doctor must …
Medical tests
… about your sexual history and do a physical examination . During this examination, the doctor will: Check your blood … nights in a row. Electronic devices. These devices measure changes in the fullness of the penis. They have one or more … the penis. These are hooked to a small unit that records changes as the loops are stretched. Intracavernosal …
Medical tests
… to make detailed pictures of the spine and vertebrae . During the test, you will lie on a table that is attached to … machine. The CT scanner sends X-rays through the body. Each rotation of the scanner takes a second and … opening of the scanner, and the scanner moves around your body. The table will move while the scanner takes pictures. …
Medical tests
… muscle, nerve, and enzyme function. It also helps the body use energy and is needed to move other electrolytes … sodium) into and out of cells. Most of the magnesium in the body is found in the bones and inside the cells. Only a tiny … level that is not improving with treatment. Look for changes in magnesium levels caused by medicines, such as …
Medical tests
… urine test for amylase, be sure to drink enough fluids during the test to prevent dehydration . How It Is Done … Collect it in the same manner as the 24-hour urine sample, during the 2-hour period your health professional … pancreatitis. Diabetic ketoacidosis . A ruptured ectopic pregnancy . Kidney failure. Appendicitis or peritonitis . …
Medical tests
… called a spiral CT makes circular movements around your body. This doughnut-shaped machine sends low-dose X-rays, or … clothing, such as a bra. You will be given a gown to use during the test. During the test, you will lie on a table … opening of the scanner, and the scanner moves around your body. The table will move while the scanner takes pictures. …
Medical tests
… vessel in the groin, neck, or other place on your child's body. Then the doctor moves the catheter through the blood … the problem. Then the catheter is removed from your child's body. Your child may be able to go home the same day. Your … of oxygen in the blood. A heart defect may be diagnosed during this procedure. Sometimes, a heart defect is treated …
Medical tests
… fluid, or CSF ) that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. During a spinal tap, a needle is carefully inserted into the … a tumour or spread of a cancer from another area of the body, diabetes , infection, injury, Guillain-Barré syndrome … a tumour or spread of a cancer from another area of the body, diabetes , infection, injury, Guillain-Barré syndrome …