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295 results found
Medical tests
… blood through the heart to the lungs and the rest of the body. Why It Is Done An EKG is done to: Check the heart's … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should … a completely safe test. No electricity passes through your body from the machine, and there is no danger of getting an …
Medical tests
… Uric acid is produced from the natural breakdown of your body's cells and from the foods you eat. Most of the uric … acid is filtered out by the kidneys and passes out of the body in urine. A small amount passes out of the body in stool. But if too much uric acid is being produced …
Medical tests
… type of HPV is present. High-risk types of HPV cause changes in the cells of the cervix that can be seen as abnormal changes on a Pap test. Abnormal cervical cell changes may … warts . Some cause genital warts. These may be diagnosed during a physical examination. Other types don't cause any …
Medical tests
… before your test. This can help with cramps you might get during or after the test. You may want to bring a sanitary … the waist. You are given a gown or drape to cover up with during the test. For the test, you sit on the edge of a … disease (PID) , endometriosis , or a previous ectopic pregnancy . Medical Tests: Questions to …
Medical tests
… procedure in which a small sample of bone is taken from the body and looked at under a microscope for cancer, infection, … medicine ( local anesthetic ) is used to prevent pain during this procedure. Intravenous (IV) pain medicine and a … procedure. A bone biopsy can be taken from any bone in the body. It is easiest to get the biopsy samples from bones …
Medical tests
… proper blood volume, blood pressure, and pH of your body fluids. Tests for sodium, potassium, and bicarbonate … as a blood test for chloride. Most of the chloride in your body comes from the salt (sodium chloride) you eat. Chloride … of time, collect all your urine. Each time you urinate during this time period, collect your urine in a small, …
Medical tests
… baby has the enzyme needed to use phenylalanine in their body. Phenylalanine is an amino acid that is needed for normal growth and development. If a baby's body does not have the enzyme that changes phenylalanine into another amino acid called …
Medical tests
… test that measures the level of lactic acid made in the body. Most of it is made by muscle tissue and red blood cells . When the oxygen level in the body is normal, carbohydrate breaks down into water and … or shock —lower the flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body. Lactic acid levels can also get higher when the liver …
Medical tests
… mouth ( xerostomia ) or swelling in the salivary glands. During a salivary gland scan, the tracer liquid is put into … benefits of the test. Most of the tracer will leave your body through your urine or stool within a day. So be sure to … benefits of the test. Most of the tracer will leave your body through your urine or stool within a day. So be sure to …
Medical tests
… called thyroxine. This hormone controls how fast the body converts food into energy ( metabolism ). Parathyroid … controls the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. During a thyroid and parathyroid ultrasound, a small … called thyroxine. This hormone controls how fast the body converts food into energy ( metabolism ). Parathyroid …