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295 results found
Medical tests
… C virus is in the blood. Viral load may be measured before, during, and after treatment. Why It Is Done This test is … that you don't have hepatitis C. This can happen if your body cures the infection on its own. Or it can happen if you … that you don't have hepatitis C. This can happen if your body cures the infection on its own. Or it can happen if you …
Medical tests
… needed to change galactose into glucose, a sugar that your body uses for energy. A person with galactosemia doesn't … needed to change galactose into glucose. See whether diet changes are working for a child who has galactosemia. How To … needed to change galactose into glucose, a sugar that your body uses for energy. A person with galactosemia doesn't …
Medical tests
… keep the water (the amount of fluid inside and outside the body's cells) and electrolyte balance of the body. Sodium is also important in how nerves and muscles … of time, collect all your urine. Each time you urinate during this time period, collect your urine in a small, …
Medical tests
… how brain waves respond to certain things you look at during the test. Why It Is Done The different … 45 minutes. Visual evoked response (VER) A computer records changes in your brain waves while you look at patterns. … 45 minutes. Visual evoked response (VER) A computer records changes in your brain waves while you look at patterns. …
Medical tests
… , too much earwax , or an object like a bean or a bead. During an ear examination, a tool called an otoscope is used … the eardrum moves when the pressure inside the ear canal changes. It helps the doctor see if there is a problem with … eardrum will flex inward and outward in response to the changes in pressure. How It Feels The physical examination …
Medical tests
… including a culture , genetic tests, or tests to study the body's immune system (immunological tests). Lymph nodes are … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should … with local anesthetic. For a lymph node deeper in the body or for lymph node dissection, you may have general …
Medical tests
… linked when first made by the pancreas. Insulin helps the body use and control the amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Insulin allows glucose to enter body cells where it is used for energy. The level of … . C-peptide does not affect the blood sugar level in the body. A C-peptide test can be done when it is not clear …
Medical tests
… old red blood cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the body through the stool (feces) and gives stool its normal … cell disease or an allergic reaction to blood received during a transfusion (called a transfusion reaction). … old red blood cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the body through the stool (feces) and gives stool its normal …
Medical tests
… the blood can spread the bacteria to any part of the body. A blood infection most often occurs with other serious … corticosteroids or chemotherapy ) that change how well your body can fight infections (immunity). For a blood culture, a … arm. Blood is often collected from two or three different body sites. Or it may be collected at two different times a …
Medical tests
… goes into the bloodstream, and travels throughout your body and to your brain. This allows blood alcohol levels to … down in the liver . The rest of it is passed out of your body in urine and your exhaled breath. You can buy breath … goes into the bloodstream, and travels throughout your body and to your brain. This allows blood alcohol levels to …