295 results found
Medical tests
… flow through the heart and blood vessels. It can be done during any of these types of echocardiograms. Types of … on your chest or abdominal wall. Stress echocardiogram. During this test, an echocardiogram is done both before and … applied to the throat are used to make you comfortable during this test. Doppler echocardiogram. This test can be …
Medical tests
… muscles of the bladder wall can cause bladder dysfunction. During cystometry, your bladder is filled with water to … waist. You will be given a cloth or paper covering to use during the test. At the start of the test, you will be asked … urinate. The process may be repeated. If X-rays are taken during the test, a contrast material may be used. Another …
Medical tests
… and look at different sections of the colon. Anoscopy. During an anoscopy, a short, rigid, hollow tube (anoscope) … (enemas or laxatives) to empty the colon. Proctoscopy. During a proctoscopy, a slightly longer scope than the … the colon as the flexible sigmoidoscope. Sigmoidoscopy. During a sigmoidoscopy, a lighted tube is inserted through …
Medical tests
… tests check the DNA of your cells. These tests can find changes in your genes that increase your risk for certain … your health risks may help you to decide to make lifestyle changes that help you stay healthy. A test about ancestry … tests check the DNA of your cells. These tests can find changes in your genes that increase your risk for certain …
Medical tests
… much heart muscle has been damaged from the heart attack. During the scan, a camera takes pictures of the heart after … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should … your heart muscle. You will be asked to remain very still during each scan. The camera will move to take more pictures …
Medical tests
… they should. Abnormal You are not able to hear the whispers during a whispered speech test. Or you are able to hear with … they should. Abnormal You are not able to hear the whispers during a whispered speech test. Or you are able to hear with …
Medical tests
… Benign growths do not contain cancer cells. Benign skin changes include moles, skin tags , warts , seborrheic … Benign growths do not contain cancer cells. Benign skin changes include moles, skin tags , warts , seborrheic …
Medical tests
… your scrotum many times. You will need to lie very still during the ultrasound scan. You may be asked to take a breath and hold it for several seconds during the scan. When the test is finished, the gel is … about 20 minutes. How It Feels Most people don't feel pain during the test. If your scrotum hurts already from an …
Medical tests
… to determine if cancer is present. Watch prostate cancer during active surveillance or other treatment. If PSA levels … has returned or has spread. How To Prepare Do not ejaculate during the 2 days before your PSA blood test, either during sex or masturbation. Talk to your doctor about any …
Medical tests
… breathing in a saltwater (saline) mist and then coughing. During bronchoscopy , which uses a bronchoscope to look at … are not able to deliver it immediately. Bronchoscopy sample During bronchoscopy, a thin, lighted instrument … If you have general anesthesia, you will feel nothing during the procedure. Risks Home or office sample There are …