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Medical tests
… The thyroid gland makes hormones that regulate the way the body uses energy. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped … and adults need the hormones to regulate the way the body uses energy ( metabolism ). Thyroid hormone blood tests … T4 is free. Free thyroxine affects tissue function in the body, but bound thyroxine does not. A total T4 blood test …
Medical tests
… or germ, that causes gonorrhea . Testing is done on body fluid or urine samples. Gonorrhea is a sexually … accurate. They can be done on urine samples or samples of body fluid from the area where the infection is suspected. … the bacteria that cause a gonorrhea infection. A sample of body fluid from areas such as the cervix, urethra, eye, …
Medical tests
… how well your heart is pumping blood to the rest of your body. During this test, a small amount of a radioactive … detected. Then the camera will be positioned close to your body. If you are cold or uncomfortable lying on the table, … to make sure that the tracer flushes completely out of your body. It takes a day or two for the tracer to be completely …
Medical tests
… the blood can spread the bacteria to any part of the body. A blood infection most often occurs with other serious … corticosteroids or chemotherapy ) that change how well your body can fight infections (immunity). For a blood culture, a … arm. Blood is often collected from two or three different body sites. Or it may be collected at two different times a …
Medical tests
… a catheter is used to fill your bladder with sterile, room-temperature water. The catheter is also attached to a device … a catheter is used to fill your bladder with sterile, room-temperature water. The catheter is also attached to a device …
Medical tests
… hours. Uric acid is made from the natural breakdown of your body's cells. It's also made from the foods you eat. Your … your blood and put it into urine so that it can leave your body. But if your body is making too much uric acid, the level in the urine …
Medical tests
… such as the brain, heart, and kidneys. This helps your body prepare for "fight-or-flight" reactions. Your body breaks down these hormones and passes them into your … tumour is present. Any major stress, such as burns, a whole-body infection (sepsis), illness, surgery, or traumatic …
Medical tests
… hormone (ACTH). Cortisol has many functions. It helps the body use sugar (glucose) and fat for energy ( metabolism ), and it helps the body manage stress. Cortisol levels can be affected by many … such as recent surgery, illness, injury, or whole-body infection (sepsis) can cause high cortisol levels. Low …
Medical tests
… the brain, and the adrenal glands . Catecholamines help the body respond to stress or fright and prepare the body for "fight-or-flight" reactions. The adrenal glands … is present. Any major stress, such as burns, a whole-body infection (sepsis), illness, surgery, or traumatic …
Medical tests
… take creatinine out of your blood and pass it out of your body in urine. If your kidneys are damaged and can't work as … is a waste product made when protein is broken down in your body. Urea is made in the liver and passed out of your body in the urine. The levels of blood creatinine and blood …