65 results found
Medical tests
… foot, ankle, knee, hip, or leg. It is done to see whether a bone has been fractured or a joint dislocated . It is also … or damage from conditions such as an infection, arthritis , bone growths (tumours), or other bone diseases, such as osteoporosis . Why It Is Done …
Medical tests
… spinal fractures, infections, dislocations, tumours, bone spurs, or disc disease. Spinal X-rays are also done to … spine X-ray. It takes pictures of the 7 neck (cervical) bones. Thoracic spine X-ray. It takes pictures of the 12 chest (thoracic) bones. Lumbosacral spine X-ray. It takes pictures of the 5 …
Medical tests
… ALP in the blood. ALP is made mostly in the liver and in bone with some made in the intestines and kidneys . It also … The liver makes more ALP than the other organs or the bones. Some conditions cause large amounts of ALP in the blood. These conditions include rapid bone growth (during puberty), bone disease (such as Paget's …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A facial X-ray is a series of pictures of the bones in the face . One type of facial X-ray (called a … around the nose and eyes. A facial X-ray helps find bone fractures , tumours, foreign objects, infections, and abnormal growths or changes in bone structure or size. An X-ray of the eye (orbital cavity) …
Medical tests
… the calcium level in the body that is not stored in the bones. Calcium is the most common mineral in the body and … of the most important. The body needs it to build and fix bones and teeth, help nerves work, make muscles squeeze … to work. Almost all of the calcium in the body is stored in bone. Normally the level of calcium in the blood is …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A skull X-ray is a series of pictures of the bones of the skull. Skull X-rays have largely been replaced … (CT) scans . A skull X-ray may help find head injuries, bone fractures , or abnormal growths or changes in bone structure or size. Why It Is Done A skull X-ray may be …
Medical tests
Medical tests
… from your stomach and then breathe it into your lungs (aspiration). The tube may make a hole in the esophagus. … from your stomach and then breathe it into your lungs (aspiration). The tube may make a hole in the esophagus. …
Medical tests
… the head can give some information about the eyes, facial bones, air-filled cavities (sinuses) within the bones around the nose, and the inner ear. If these areas are … inside the head. Look for problems of the middle ear bones and the auditory nerve . Help plan for surgery. Find …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Dental X-rays are pictures of the teeth, bones, and soft tissues around them to help find problems … hidden dental structures (such as wisdom teeth), and bone loss that cannot be seen during a visual examination. … how well the upper and lower teeth line up. They also show bone loss when severe gum disease or a dental infection is …