65 results found
Medical tests
… and into certain tissues. These tissues include your bones, liver, and intestine, and areas that are inflamed or … for an abscess or certain infections, especially in the bones. Check the response to antibiotic treatment. Diagnose … scan Normal: The collection and activity of gallium in the bones, liver, spleen, and large intestine is normal. No …
Medical tests
… the parathyroid glands release more PTH. This causes the bones to release more calcium into the blood and reduces the … too high or too low can cause problems with the kidneys and bones and cause changes in calcium and vitamin D levels. … the parathyroid glands release more PTH. This causes the bones to release more calcium into the blood and reduces the …
Medical tests
… vessels, and lymph nodes . A chest X-ray also shows the bones of your spine and chest, including your breastbone , your ribs, your collarbone , and the upper part of your spine . A chest X-ray is …
Medical tests
… phosphorus. The body needs phosphorus to build and repair bones and teeth, help nerves function, and make muscles … 85%) of the phosphorus contained in phosphate is found in bones. The rest of it is stored in tissues throughout the … phosphorus. The body needs phosphorus to build and repair bones and teeth, help nerves function, and make muscles …
Medical tests
… Cranial ultrasound can only be done on babies before the bones of the skull have grown together. The test looks for … brain mass. Because the test can't be done after the skull bones have fused, it is only done after the skull has been … Cranial ultrasound can only be done on babies before the bones of the skull have grown together. The test looks for …
Medical tests
… The eardrum vibrates, and the vibrations move through the bones of the middle ear. In response, the bones of the middle ear vibrate, which boosts the sound and … removed. A special vibrating device will be placed on the bone behind your ear. Again, you will signal each time you …
Medical tests
… nose where the surgery will be performed. Results Normal Bones and soft tissues appear normal. Abnormal Swelling and … nose where the surgery will be performed. Results Normal Bones and soft tissues appear normal. Abnormal Swelling and …
Medical tests
… Cardiac Blood Pool Scan Gallium Scan HIDA Scan Lung Scan Bone Scan Liver and Spleen Scan Testicular Scan … Cardiac Blood Pool Scan Gallium Scan HIDA Scan Lung Scan Bone Scan Liver and Spleen Scan Testicular Scan …
Medical tests
… dye called contrast material to make pictures of the bones and the fluid-filled space (subarachnoid space) between the bones in your spine (spinal canal). A myelogram may be done … dye called contrast material to make pictures of the bones and the fluid-filled space (subarachnoid space) …
Medical tests
… tissues that line the joint). Osteomyelitis (infection of a bone). How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have … tissues that line the joint). Osteomyelitis (infection of a bone). How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have …