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Medical tests
… amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) in a sample of blood or urine. LH is produced by the pituitary gland . LH helps … they should (delayed puberty). Find out (usually with a urine sample) when you are ovulating. Home urine tests for ovulation are available. Check your response …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Chlamydia tests use a sample of body fluid or urine to see whether chlamydia bacteria ( Chlamydia … acid amplification test. This test can also be done on a urine sample. If you have chlamydia, all of your sex … How To Prepare A chlamydia test is done on either a urine sample or fluid (direct sample) collected from the …
Medical tests
… milk and milk products. A galactosemia test is a blood or urine test that checks for enzymes that are needed to change … so high levels of galactose build up in the blood or urine. When galactose builds up in a baby's blood, it can … It Is Done Tests for galactosemia are done on a blood or urine sample. Blood sample from a heel stick A heel stick is …
Medical tests
… that causes gonorrhea . Testing is done on body fluid or urine samples. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection … germs. These tests are very accurate. They can be done on urine samples or samples of body fluid from the area where … How To Prepare Do not urinate for at least 2 hours before a urine sample is collected. If you think you may have …
Medical tests
… (hCG) test is done to check for the hormone hCG in blood or urine. Some hCG tests measure the exact amount. Some just … don't need to do anything before the test. How It Is Done A urine or blood test for pregnancy can be done in your … uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. Urine test You catch urine in a cup given to you by a health …
Medical tests
… problems with how well the bladder holds or releases urine. Urination is a complex process. As the bladder fills, … bladder to contract (voiding reflex). When you hold in your urine, your brain is overriding this reflex. When you allow … cause of problems with the bladder or the muscle that holds urine in the bladder (bladder sphincter). Problems in one or …
Medical tests
… group of tests that show how your body stores and releases urine. The type of test varies from person to person. A … to help find out why a person has symptoms such as: Leaking urine. Feeling the need to urinate often. Pain when urinating. A weak stream of urine. Frequent urinary tract infections. How To Prepare You …
Medical tests
… human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG) in a sample of urine. High levels of hCG are made during pregnancy. The … tests have similar results to the pregnancy tests done on urine in most doctors' offices if they are used exactly as … tests use a test strip or dipstick that you hold in the urine stream or dip into a sample of urine. A second type …
Medical tests
… specially treated test strips.You hold them in your urine stream or dip them in a sample of your urine. The strips check for nitrites and leukocytes produced by most UTIs. Some tests also show the pH of the urine, which can be another sign. Each type of test kit will …
Medical tests
… Overview The uroflowmetry test measures the rate of urine flow during urination. Results are usually given in … the impact that benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) has on urine flow or to monitor the effect of treatment. Your … about treatment for BPH may talk about this test as "peak urine flow rate." Many treatments for BPH can increase the …