133 results found
Medical tests
… it is often done when a baby is 2 to 4 weeks of age. Your child may need more than one sweat test to confirm a … or lotions on the skin for 24 hours before the test. Your child may eat, drink, and exercise normally before the test. If your child takes any medicines, give them on the usual schedule. …
Medical tests
… in the urine sample. Collecting a urine sample from a small child or baby may be done by using a special plastic bag … its opening (a U bag). The bag is attached around the child's genitals until he or she urinates (usually within an … in the urine sample. Collecting a urine sample from a small child or baby may be done by using a special plastic bag …
Medical tests
… cancer. A history of radiation therapy to the chest as a child. Choose the best treatment for breast cancer. It may … patch, you may need to remove it. The MRI can cause burns with some patches. During the test During the test, … cancer. A history of radiation therapy to the chest as a child. Choose the best treatment for breast cancer. It may …
Medical tests
… workplace. Testing is common for people who work in public safety, such as bus drivers or child care workers. Some jobs require a toxicology screen as … people who work in public safety, such as bus drivers or child care workers. Some jobs require a toxicology screen as …
Medical tests
… a bee or from eating shellfish. This test is often done in children to see if they may have an abnormal backflow of urine ( vesicoureteral reflux ). Prepare your child for examinations and tests that are needed. Explain … positive words as much as possible. Doing so will help your child understand what to expect and can help reduce fears. …
Medical tests
… to continue your pregnancy or make plans to care for a sick child. You or the baby's father carries an abnormal gene … to continue your pregnancy or make plans to care for a sick child. You or the baby's father carries an abnormal gene …
Medical tests
… cells into the blood. These conditions include severe burns, crushing injuries, heart attack , and diabetic … enlargement of certain kidney cells. It is more common in children and may be linked to an abnormally short stature … enlargement of certain kidney cells. It is more common in children and may be linked to an abnormally short stature …
Medical tests
… carries a gene change that could be passed along to their child. You inherit half of your genetics from each birth … for gene changes that a person might pass along to their child. Prenatal screening and testing . This checks if a … your risk of getting genetic diseases or having a child with an inherited disease, such as cystic fibrosis . …
Medical tests
… of an adult have a change that can be passed on to a child. Find out whether a chromosome defect is preventing a woman from becoming pregnant or is causing … test results mean for you, such as your risk for having a child with an inherited (genetic) condition like Down …
Medical tests
… intestinal tract into the bloodstream. Find the cause of a child's failure to gain weight, especially when the child seems to be eating enough food. How To Prepare For 24 … except water for 8 to 12 hours before having this test. Children younger than 9 years old should not eat or drink …