205 results found
Medical tests
… the risk of bleeding. How It Is Done Usually the place where the biopsy will be taken is cleaned with an alcohol … the risk of bleeding. How It Is Done Usually the place where the biopsy will be taken is cleaned with an alcohol …
Medical tests
… to the virus. The test can't tell if you will get sores or where on the body they might show up. The test also can't … in about 10 minutes. These tests may not be available everywhere. How It Feels You are likely to feel some mild … to the virus. The test can't tell if you will get sores or where on the body they might show up. The test also can't …
Medical tests
… to see how disease is affecting your heart. You will be given medicine to make you sleepy and comfortable during the … your doctor wants you to do. Make sure your doctor and the hospital have a copy of your advance care plan. If you don't … Medicine to decrease saliva and stomach secretions may be given through the IV. A pain medicine and sedative will be …
Medical tests
… Canada offer newborn hearing tests for all babies born in hospitals. Also, many health groups and doctors' groups … Canada offer newborn hearing tests for all babies born in hospitals. Also, many health groups and doctors' groups …
Medical tests
… otoscope has a rubber bulb that your doctor can squeeze to give a puff of air into the ear canal. The air helps the … otoscope has a rubber bulb that your doctor can squeeze to give a puff of air into the ear canal. The air helps the …
Medical tests
… for 12 to 24 hours before your test. Your doctor will give you specific instructions. This test is often done … for 12 to 24 hours before your test. Your doctor will give you specific instructions. This test is often done …
Medical tests
… of time, such as over 4 or 24 hours. Your doctor will give you a large container that holds about 4 L (1 gal) . … of time, such as over 4 or 24 hours. Your doctor will give you a large container that holds about 4 L (1 gal) . …
Medical tests
… having follow-up aldosterone blood tests, your doctor may give you the following instructions: Eat foods with a normal … having follow-up aldosterone blood tests, your doctor may give you the following instructions: Eat foods with a normal …
Medical tests
… 24 hours, collect all your urine. Your doctor or lab will give you a large container to store it in. Urinate into a … Heparin is a medicine that helps prevent blood clots. It is given as a shot. Medical Tests: … 24 hours, collect all your urine. Your doctor or lab will give you a large container to store it in. Urinate into a …
Medical tests
… the structure of the urinary tract that were present from birth (congenital). An ultrasound or a computed tomography … to take off all or most of your clothes, and you will be given a cloth or paper covering to use during the test. You … to take off all or most of your clothes, and you will be given a cloth or paper covering to use during the test. You …