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205 results found
Medical tests
… basis without the need for an overnight stay in a hospital. An inpatient stay is often needed with open … problem when a physical examination and other tests don't give a clear result. These tests may include X-rays , … any jewellery and to wear a hospital gown. You may be given a sedative shortly before the procedure to help you …
Medical tests
… of false-positive results. And it's not available in all hospitals. An abbreviated breast MRI is a newer test that … keep on your underwear if it's not in the way.) You will be given a gown to use during the test. If you are allowed to … MRI magnet. If this keeps you from lying still, you can be given a medicine (sedative) to help you relax. Inside the …
Medical tests
… to the liver and spleen . Areas of the liver and spleen where the tracer collects in large amounts show up as bright spots in the pictures. Areas where the tracer collects in low amounts or does not show up … need to take off all or most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to wear during the test. You will empty your …
Medical tests
… (IV) pain medicine and a sedative medicine also may be given. Making a cut (incision) through the skin to expose an … General anesthesia or medicine to block feeling in the area where the cut is made ( spinal anesthesia or a nerve block ) … only a sip of water. You may need to stay overnight in the hospital after an open biopsy is done. Be sure you have …
Medical tests
… before you ovulate. For fertility awareness to be used as birth control, either you must not have sex or you must use another method of birth control for 8 to 16 days of every menstrual cycle. … A couple can avoid intercourse or use another method of birth control around the time of ovulation. How To Prepare …
Medical tests
… drink before the test. Follow the instructions your doctor gives you about eating and drinking. If you take a medicine … in a radiology centre or in the radiology department of a hospital. You will need to take off jewellery that might be … the pictures are taken, a small bandage is put on your back where the needle was put in. You will be told what to do …
Medical tests
… , stomach, and duodenum until it reaches the point where the ducts from the pancreas and gallbladder drain into … your doctor wants you to do. Make sure your doctor and the hospital have a copy of your advance care plan. If you don't … will move the scope forward until it reaches the point where the ducts from the pancreas and gallbladder drain into …
Medical tests
… to be checked without being hooked up to a machine. At some hospitals, the sensors can send the details about your … Fetal monitoring can't find every type of problem, such as birth defects. A normal result does not guarantee that your … Fetal monitoring can't find every type of problem, such as birth defects. A normal result does not guarantee that your …
Medical tests
… cases they move down into the scrotum before or soon after birth. But sometimes they do not descend as expected. Having … ahead of time. You will be asked to undress and put on a hospital gown. A self-examination is painless and takes only … be an early sign of testicular cancer . Prompt treatment gives the best chance for a cure. One or both testicles are …
Medical tests
… clothes below the waist. Have the mirror and flashlight where you can easily reach them. Wash your hands. Sit on the … stimulated during sexual activity. Opening of the urethra where urine drains from your body. Opening of the vagina. … clothes below the waist. Have the mirror and flashlight where you can easily reach them. Wash your hands. Sit on the …