205 results found
Medical tests
… during the test. Women often wear a bra, T-shirt, or hospital gown. Avoid wearing any restrictive clothing other … are taken off, they may pull your skin a little. The room where the exercise electrocardiogram is done may be kept … are taken off, they may pull your skin a little. The room where the exercise electrocardiogram is done may be kept …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview A mental health assessment gives your doctor a complete picture of your emotional … Check the mental health of a person who has been in the hospital or arrested for a crime, such as drunk driving or … Adult Intelligence Scale, may be needed. The test may be given by a specialist such as a psychologist. Children How a …
Medical tests
… can transmit the disease to the baby (fetus). And serious birth defects called congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) could develop, especially during the first trimester . Birth defects of CRS include cataracts and other eye … hearing loss, and heart disease. Miscarriage and stillbirth are also possible consequences for those who are …
Medical tests
… is usually done in a clinic or the X-ray department of a hospital. You don't need to stay overnight in the hospital. … are taken every 30 minutes. After the test You may be given a laxative or enema to flush the barium out of your … are taken every 30 minutes. After the test You may be given a laxative or enema to flush the barium out of your …
Medical tests
… find the cause. How To Prepare With the gFOBT, you will be given instructions about foods to avoid in the days before … find the cause. How To Prepare With the gFOBT, you will be given instructions about foods to avoid in the days before …
Medical tests
… together. The test looks for possible problems of premature birth, such as periventricular leukomalcia (PVL) and … ). Or it may check for brain problems that are present from birth (such as congenital hydrocephalus ). Cranial … To screen for brain problems that may be present from birth. For example, it may look for congenital …
Medical tests
… toxins. C. diff is also common in older people who are in hospitals and nursing homes and in people who are getting … the hospital. If you collect the sample at home, you may be given a special container. You may need to collect more than … Pass stool (but no urine) into a dry container. You may be given a plastic basin that you can place under the toilet …
Medical tests
… that turn the water blue. How It Is Done You will be given stool collection kits to use each day. You may need to … Collect a sample only once a day unless your doctor gives you other directions. Flush the remaining stool down … or malnutrition. Medicine such as colchicine (for gout ) or birth control pills may also cause low levels. Related …
Medical tests
… through your blood to the testicles. Parts of the testicles where the tracer builds up in abnormal amounts may be a sign of some types of tumours. The tracer may also show where there is a pocket of fluid ( cyst ) or infection ( … need to take off all or most of your clothes. You will be given a cloth or paper covering to use during the test. The …
Medical tests
… to take off your clothes above the waist, and you will be given a cloth or paper gown to use during the test. For a … calcifications (microcalcifications) often occur in areas where cells are growing very rapidly (such as in a cancerous … calcifications (microcalcifications) often occur in areas where cells are growing very rapidly (such as in a cancerous …