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209 results found
Medical tests
… also affect your response to medicines. What are the main types of genetic testing? Genetic tests include: Carrier … also affect your response to medicines. What are the main types of genetic testing? Genetic tests include: Carrier …
Medical tests
… to certain diseases, such as cancer. The five major types of antibodies are: IgA. IgA antibodies are found in … found in all body fluids. They are the smallest but most common antibody (75% to 80%) of all the antibodies in the … myeloma is present. IgD multiple myeloma is much less common than IgA or IgG multiple myeloma. IgE . A high level …
Medical tests
… show whether a high-risk type of HPV is present. High-risk types of HPV cause changes in the cells of the cervix that … There are many types of HPV. Some low-risk types cause common skin warts . Some cause genital warts. These may be … There are many types of HPV. Some low-risk types cause common skin warts . Some cause genital warts. These may be …
Medical tests
… Nerves from different areas of the body may be tested. Types of responses are: Visual evoked response or potential … by using electrodes taped to the head. The VER is the most commonly used evoked potential test in the diagnosis of … by using electrodes taped to the head. The VER is the most commonly used evoked potential test in the diagnosis of …
Medical tests
… too small for you or your doctor to feel. There are several types of mammograms . They include: Standard mammogram . It … A specific area needs to be looked at again. This is a very common result and doesn't mean that the area is abnormal or … found during a mammogram aren't breast cancer. But it's common to need more tests to be sure. If an area of your …
Medical tests
… if they are used exactly as instructed. There are two basic types of home pregnancy tests. The most common types of home pregnancy tests use a test strip or … There are two basic types of home pregnancy tests. The most common types of home pregnancy tests use a test strip or …
Medical tests
… to look for the reason for the buildup. Some of the most common body fluids that are tested are: Peritoneal fluid in … of the fluid can show if there is an increase in certain types of white blood cells. That could be a sign of an … to look for the reason for the buildup. Some of the most common body fluids that are tested are: Peritoneal fluid in …
Medical tests
… use mouthwash before you collect your sputum sample. Some types of mouthwash can kill bacteria and could affect your … Abnormal: Harmful bacteria or fungi are found. The most common harmful bacteria in a sputum culture are those that … Abnormal: Harmful bacteria or fungi are found. The most common harmful bacteria in a sputum culture are those that …
Medical tests
… to your red blood cells. The indirect Coombs test is commonly done to find antibodies in a recipient's or donor's … to your red blood cells. The indirect Coombs test is commonly done to find antibodies in a recipient's or donor's …
Medical tests
… to find what chemicals it is made of. How It Feels The most common way a kidney stone is collected for this test is by … to find what chemicals it is made of. How It Feels The most common way a kidney stone is collected for this test is by …