329 results found
Medical tests
… of thyroid tissue can be taken by: Fine-needle biopsy. Your doctor puts a thin needle through the skin and into the thyroid gland. Many thyroid specialists like to use a needle biopsy method rather than surgery. Core needle biopsy. Your doctor inserts a needle with a special tip and removes …
Medical tests
… (also called an echo) is a type of ultrasound test that uses high-pitched sound waves that are sent through a device … the sound waves as they bounce off the different parts of your heart. These echoes are turned into moving pictures of your heart that can be seen on a video screen. …
Medical tests
… On this page: Overview Why It Is Done Results Overview Your doctor may take a sample, or biopsy, of abnormal … A microscopic examination on the biopsied tissue can help your doctor find out whether human papillomavirus (HPV) is … medicine ( local anesthetic ). This is more likely to be used for biopsies of the outer genital area on both men and …
Medical tests
… Test Overview The blood supply to your hand normally comes from two arteries: the radial … the ulnar artery. A procedure called the Allen test can be used to find out if blood flow to your hand is normal. This test checks to see if both of …
Medical tests
… this disease. They look for the bacterium, or germ, that causes gonorrhea . Testing is done on body fluid or urine … the test results have come back. If the test shows that you have gonorrhea, don't have sex for at least 3 days after you finish treatment. footnote 1 Your sex partner or …
Medical tests
… in their sweat. During the sweat test , medicine that causes a person to sweat is applied to the skin (usually on … test can be done at any age. It may be done as soon as your baby is 10 days old, but it is often done when a baby is 2 to 4 weeks of age. Your child may need more than one sweat test to confirm a …
Medical tests
… are normally in the vagina overgrow. It doesn't always cause symptoms. But the most common symptom is an increase in … cells called clue cells . If clue cells are found, it means you may have bacterial vaginosis. Whiff test. A sample of … a special solution is added. A fishy odour usually means you have bacterial vaginosis. Vaginal pH. The pH of a sample …
Medical tests
… makes ALT levels go up. Most increases in ALT levels are caused by liver damage. The ALT test is often done along with … a few minutes. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all from the needle. Or you might feel a quick sting or pinch. Risks There is very …
Medical tests
… of calcium in the body depends on the amount of: Calcium you get in your food. Calcium and vitamin D your intestines absorb. … to get the right amount of calcium in your food because the body loses calcium every day. Foods rich in calcium …
Medical tests
… fallopian tubes and the area around them. It may be done if you are having a hard time getting pregnant (infertility). … tube is put through the vagina and into the uterus. Because the uterus and the fallopian tubes are connected, the … tubal ligation has been successful. How To Prepare Schedule your test for when you won't be having your period. Your …