128 results found
Medical tests
… A hard and fast breath usually makes a "huff" sound. Write down the number on the gauge. This is your peak flow. Repeat these steps 2 more times. Write down the highest of the three numbers in your asthma diary. … A hard and fast breath usually makes a "huff" sound. Write down the number on the gauge. This is your peak flow. Repeat …
Medical tests
… are being tested, they will be tested first while you lie down. Then they'll be tested again while you sit. Depending … the arms and legs For this test, you will be asked to lie down and breathe normally. You must lie very still. Any … the veins. Arteries in the neck You will be asked to lie down with a pillow under your head for support. The test is …
Medical tests
… viral load is checked during treatment, the level should go down. Hepatitis C Current as of: … viral load is checked during treatment, the level should go down. Hepatitis C Current as of: …
Medical tests
… to reach its highest level. About 90% of alcohol is broken down in the liver . The rest of it is passed out of the body … than men do. Also, a woman's hormones may affect the breakdown of alcohol. Your metabolism. This is how fast your body breaks down the alcohol. Different people metabolize alcohol at …
Medical tests
… into your spinal canal. You may feel a quick, sharp pain down your buttock or leg when the needle is moved in your … of a seizure if the dye moves to the brain. So if you lie down, you need to keep your head raised higher than your … into your spinal canal. You may feel a quick, sharp pain down your buttock or leg when the needle is moved in your …
Medical tests
… the: Abdominal aorta . This large blood vessel passes down the back of the chest and belly. It supplies blood to … that helps digest fat). It also stores sugars and breaks down many of the body's waste products. Gallbladder . This … the: Abdominal aorta . This large blood vessel passes down the back of the chest and belly. It supplies blood to …
Medical tests
… as wide as possible. Your doctor will press your tongue down with a flat stick (tongue depressor) and then examine … as wide as possible. Your doctor will press your tongue down with a flat stick (tongue depressor) and then examine …
Medical tests
… the baseline. With good treatment, the viral load should go down. Within a few months of treatment, the virus should … the baseline. With good treatment, the viral load should go down. Within a few months of treatment, the virus should …
Medical tests
… If the container has a lid, remove the lid and set it down with the inner surface up. Clean the area around your … If the container has a lid, remove the lid and set it down with the inner surface up. Clean the area around your …
Medical tests
… following methods together. Calendar (rhythm) method Write down the dates of your menstrual periods for 6 to 8 months. … Leave the thermometer in place for a full 5 minutes. Write down your temperature. Then clean the thermometer and put it … method) Each day, put one finger into your vagina and write down the amount and colour of the mucus, and how thick or …