126 results found
Medical tests
Medical tests
Medical tests
… The glands that produce milk for breastfeeding and the tubes (ducts) through which milk flows appear normal. … The glands that produce milk for breastfeeding and the tubes (ducts) through which milk flows appear normal. …
Medical tests
… blood sampling. Find major birth defects, such as a neural tube defect or heart problems. Third semester ultrasound … blood sampling. Find major birth defects, such as a neural tube defect or heart problems. Third semester ultrasound …
Medical tests
… , such as coins or other small pieces of metal, in the tube to the stomach (esophagus), the airway, or the lungs. A … may not be able to see food, nuts, or wood fibres. See if a tube, catheter, or other medical device has been placed in … fluid or air is seen, and no foreign objects are seen. All tubes, catheters, or other medical devices are in their …
Medical tests
… to clump if RF is present. A laser light is shined on the tube containing the mixture. Then the amount of light … a cloudier sample and allows less light to pass through the tube. Why It Is Done A test for rheumatoid factor is done to … show how much light is blocked by the blood sample in the tube. A high level of RF causes the sample to be cloudy, so …
Medical tests
… whether there is fluid behind the eardrum or whether an ear tube is blocked. The test can also discover whether there is … behind the eardrum. It can also mean that the eustachian tube, which connects the back of the nose and throat with … whether there is fluid behind the eardrum or whether an ear tube is blocked. The test can also discover whether there is …
Medical tests
… may be done to: Help find out why you can't get pregnant (infertility). LH testing is often used to help evaluate … may be done to: Help find out why you can't get pregnant (infertility). LH testing is often used to help evaluate …
Medical tests
… how quickly red blood cells (erythrocytes) settle in a test tube in one hour. The more red cells that fall to the bottom of the test tube in one hour, the higher the sed rate. When inflammation … and fall more quickly than normal to the bottom of the tube. These proteins are produced by the liver and the …
Medical tests
… , which allows your doctor to look through a small lighted tube at the lining of the uterus. Why It Is Done An … numbed with a spray or injection of local anesthetic . The tube to collect the sample is guided through the cervix into … 5 to 15 minutes. How It Feels You may feel cramping as the tube is guided through your cervix and when the biopsy …