129 results found
Medical tests
… stress scan is done in two parts. In many hospitals, the first images are taken while the person is at rest. Then a … that your heart needs. Sometimes the stress scan is done first and the resting scan might be done the next day. … loose shirt. The exercise stress scan is done in two parts. First a set of resting images is taken. Then a set of stress …
Medical tests
… 14 to 15 days after menstrual bleeding begins. To find the first day that you are likely to be fertile, take away … the number of days in your shortest menstrual cycle. Your first fertile day should be that many days after your … 26 days long, you would subtract 18 from 26 to get 8. Your first fertile day would then be the 8th day after menstrual …
Medical tests
… filled with water through the catheter until you have the first urge to urinate. The amount of water in the bladder is … less fluid or more fluid than is considered normal when the first urge to urinate is felt. You are unable to retain … filled with water through the catheter until you have the first urge to urinate. The amount of water in the bladder is …
Medical tests
… genetic material ( RNA ) of HIV in the blood. Viral load is first measured when you are diagnosed with HIV infection. This first measurement serves as the baseline. Future viral load … genetic material ( RNA ) of HIV in the blood. Viral load is first measured when you are diagnosed with HIV infection. …
Medical tests
… liver and into your gallbladder and small intestine. The first pictures will be taken right after the tracer starts … through the liver and then into the gallbladder and the first part of the small intestine ( duodenum ). The … is blocked by a gallstone . The tracer may not reach the first part of the small intestine (duodenum). This may mean …
Medical tests
… for normal growth of the brain, especially during the first 3 years of life. A baby whose thyroid gland does not … of an underactive thyroid gland. Pregnancy during the first trimester . Medical Tests: … for normal growth of the brain, especially during the first 3 years of life. A baby whose thyroid gland does not …
Medical tests
… your airway. Collecting the sample in the morning, when you first wake up, is generally best. If you have trouble obtaining a good sample, try taking a hot shower first to help loosen the mucus in your airway. Carefully … your airway. Collecting the sample in the morning, when you first wake up, is generally best. If you have trouble …
Medical tests
… names, including cardiac flow study, cardiac nuclear scan, first-pass scan, and MUGA scan. This test can be done in … There are different types of scans. Two of these types are: First-pass scan. This scan makes pictures of the blood as it goes through the heart and lungs the first time. MUGA scan (multigated acquisition scan). This …
Medical tests
… bladder is filled, you will be asked to report when you first feel the urge to urinate. Your bladder will then … you urinate (residual urine volume). The point at which you first feel the urge to urinate is within the normal range. … trouble starting the flow of urine. The point at which you first feel the urge to urinate is more or less than normal …
Medical tests
… after the test. How It Is Done The BPP has two parts. First you have a non-stress test, and then you have a fetal … pressure in your bladder. The gel may feel cool when it is first applied to your stomach. You will feel a light … after the test. How It Is Done The BPP has two parts. First you have a non-stress test, and then you have a fetal …