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329 results found
Medical tests
… time (PTT) is a blood test that measures the time it takes your blood to clot. A PTT test can be used to check for … time is an important test because the time it takes your blood to clot may be affected by: Blood-thinning … can change the results of this test. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the non-prescription and prescription …
Medical tests
… a speculum. A pneumatic otoscope has a rubber bulb that your doctor can squeeze to give a puff of air into the ear … with the head tilted slightly toward the opposite shoulder. Your doctor may need to remove earwax in order to see the … an otoscope to look into the ear canal and see the eardrum. Your doctor will gently pull the ear back and slightly up to …
Medical tests
… (EKG or ECG) is a test that checks for changes in your heart while you exercise. Sometimes EKG abnormalities … an increased chance of having heart disease. How To Prepare Your doctor may recommend how you should eat before the test. For example, your doctor may suggest you only eat a light breakfast …
Medical tests
… meal high in phosphorus, having high levels of vitamin D in your body, or having an overactive parathyroid gland . Some … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done This test is … the toilet. Don't save this urine. This marks the start of your 24-hour period. For the next 24 hours, collect all your
Medical tests
… . A vaginal self-examination may help you better understand your body, the changes that take place during the menstrual … The best time to do a vaginal self-examination is between your menstrual periods. A vaginal self-examination should not replace a regular pelvic examination by your doctor. Why It Is Done A vaginal self-examination can …
Medical tests
… See how far cancer has spread in a breast. Check your breasts if you have silicone breast implants or dense … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. Wear something that makes it easy … above the waist. You will be given a gown to drape around your shoulders. Remove all jewellery from around your neck. …
Medical tests
… the cells they infect, damaging the body's immune system , changing the genetic material ( DNA ) of the cells they … that may be present and the sample that will be tested. Your health professional will give you any specific … the cells they infect, damaging the body's immune system , changing the genetic material ( DNA ) of the cells they …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health … Results Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a …
Medical tests
… to make magnified images, or pictures, of the back of your eye . This includes the retina. It's the part of the eye that's most responsible for your vision. Common imaging methods include: Colour and … black-and-white photography. A camera magnifies the back of your eye and makes pictures. Optical coherence tomography, …
Medical tests
… pH , the amount of potassium you eat, the hormone levels in your body, severe vomiting, and taking certain medicines, … diet has enough potassium for the body's needs. But if your potassium levels get low, it can take some time for your body to start holding on to potassium. In the meantime, …