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184 results found
Medical tests
… too small for you or your doctor to feel. There are several types of mammograms . They include: Standard mammogram . It … false sense of security. Also, mammograms may find certain types of breast cancer that would never cause symptoms or be … tissue looks normal. No unusual growths, lumps, or other types of abnormal tissue are seen. The glands that produce …
Medical tests
… colonic transit time. Bowel transit time depends on what types of food you eat and how much you drink. For example, … X-ray pictures. When you will have X-rays depends on the type of test done. Most commonly, you will have an X-ray … baby (fetus). Results Bowel transit time depends on what types of food you eat and how much you drink. Different …
Medical tests
… turn the water blue. How It Is Done There are different types of home tests. The companies that make the test kits … things you need to collect small samples of stool. For some types of FIT, you may need to collect a stool sample on 2 or … Some labs may send you the results. And depending on the type of test you choose, you may be able to see the results …
Medical tests
… that can cause infection grow, the culture is positive. The type of germ may be identified using a microscope or … pain and cramping, and fever. Find and identify certain types of organisms that are causing infections or diseases. … Bacteria (such as salmonella , shigella, or certain types of E. coli ) grow in the culture. If bacteria are …
Medical tests
… Gram stain and culture and sensitivity tests can find the type of bacteria that is causing an infection. The tests … of the fluid can show if there is an increase in certain types of white blood cells. That could be a sign of an … Gram stain and culture and sensitivity tests can find the type of bacteria that is causing an infection. The tests …
Medical tests
… phosphokinase (CPK). CK is made up of three smaller types of enzymes, called isoenzymes: MM, MB, and BB. A … such as brain injury, bleeding in the brain, and some types of cancer. How To Prepare In general, there's nothing … phosphokinase (CPK). CK is made up of three smaller types of enzymes, called isoenzymes: MM, MB, and BB. A …
Medical tests
… pictures can be saved and reviewed later. The three basic types of Doppler ultrasound are: "Bedside" or continuous wave Doppler. This type uses the change in pitch of the sound waves to provide … flow through an area that may be blocked or narrowed. This type of ultrasound can be done at the bedside in the …
Medical tests
… Done An EEG may be done to: Check for epilepsy and see what type of seizures are occurring. EEG is the most useful and … to sleep for only about 4 or 5 hours. This is because some types of brain activity can only be seen if you are asleep. … ready on the same day or the next day. There are several types of brain waves. Alpha waves are present only when …
Medical tests
… in the hospital. How the test is done is based on the type of scan you are having and the way your hospital does this test. There are different types of scans. Two of these types are: First-pass scan. This scan makes pictures of the …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Laparoscopy (say "lap-uh-ROSS-kuh-pee") is a type of surgery that uses very small cuts. These cuts are … health care wishes. It's a good thing to have before any type of surgery or procedure. How It Is Done Laparoscopy is … ). General anesthesia is most often used. But other types of anesthesia, such as spinal anesthesia , may be …