250 results found
Medical tests
… the pancreas or salivary glands become damaged or blocked, more amylase is usually released into the blood and urine. … you produce over a 24-hour period. You start collecting your urine in the morning. When you first get up, empty your … the pancreas or salivary glands become damaged or blocked, more amylase is usually released into the blood and urine. …
Medical tests
… hours before the test. Because this is a test involving your heart, you may have to stay overnight in the hospital … may have to stay for several days. Unless the procedure is being done in an emergency, you will be asked to sign a … may have to stay for several days. Unless the procedure is being done in an emergency, you will be asked to sign a …
Medical tests
… bone problems seen on an X-ray. An open bone biopsy allows your doctor to do surgical treatment at the same time, if … your doctor will tell you how soon before surgery to stop eating and drinking. Follow the instructions exactly about … the procedure. Tell your doctor if you need to move or get more comfortable. The doctor will put a long, thin needle …
Medical tests
… gastrointestinal (or GI) endoscopy is a test that allows your doctor to look at the inside of your esophagus, … also higher in older adults and people who are frail or physically weakened. Talk to your doctor about your specific … also higher in older adults and people who are frail or physically weakened. Talk to your doctor about your specific …
Medical tests
… Dual photon absorptiometry (DPA). This test uses a radioactive substance to measure bone density. It can measure … will do if the tests show that you have a high chance of getting osteoporosis. Osteoporosis: Should I Have a … is your bone density compared to the average score of a healthy 30-year-old. (This is called the young adult …
Medical tests
… that causes the fast destruction of red blood cells, need more folate to make more red blood cells . People who have … dialysis ). Low folate levels can mean that you aren't getting enough folate in your diet. This is usually only … people with alcohol use disorder , certain cancers, or an eating disorder. Folate Deficiency …
Medical tests
… hormone (LH) . This hormone tells the testicles to make more testosterone. Before puberty , the testosterone level … women, a low level of testosterone may be caused by an underactive pituitary gland, Addison's disease , loss of ovary … and some medicines (such as corticosteroids or estrogen). Being very overweight, having long-term (chronic) pain, or …
Medical tests
… want treatment or what treatment might be best for you and your partner(s). Health Tools Health Tools help you make … in an infant born to a person who has genital herpes. Learn more STI Testing: Should I Get Tested for a Sexually … from small sores that are only a few days old. Viruses are more likely to be found in small, newly formed sores. …
Medical tests
… breathing (mechanical ventilation). Find out if you are getting the right amount of oxygen when you are using oxygen … site. How It Feels Collecting blood from an artery is more painful than collecting it from a vein. That's because … light-headed, faint, dizzy, or nauseated while the blood is being taken from your artery. Most people feel a brief, …
Medical tests
… gland is a butterfly-shaped gland that lies in front of your windpipe (trachea), just below your voice box (larynx). … but is not available in BC as it has been replaced by the more relevant free thyroxine test. Free T4 can be measured … an abnormal thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) test. For more information, see the topic Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone …