305 results found
Medical tests
… machine. The CT scanner sends X-rays through the body area being studied. Each rotation of the scanner provides a … take about 30 to 60 minutes. Most of this time is spent getting ready for the scan. The actual scan only takes a few … is used, you may feel a quick sting or pinch when the IV is started. The dye may make you feel warm and flushed and give …
Medical tests
… put oxygen into and remove carbon dioxide from your blood. Types of lung function tests include: Spirometry. Gas … ) per minute. These tests let you know how well gases are being absorbed into your blood from your lungs. Gas … or discomfort, tell the therapist right away. Risks For a healthy person, there's little or no risk in taking these …
Medical tests
… a transducer is gently passed back and forth over the area being looked at. The device sends the sound waves to a … test, unless your doctor tells you to. Depending on what is being looked at, you may get special instructions such as … several times. You need to be very still while the test is being done. How long the test takes Depending on what is …
Medical tests
… spine is divided into four parts. So there are four common types of spinal X-rays: Cervical spine X-ray. It takes … X-ray test, you will lie on an X-ray table. If the X-ray is being taken because of a possibly serious injury to your … collar) in place, X-ray pictures may be taken and a physical examination done to see whether the brace can be …
Medical tests
… members with the disease. How To Prepare If the test is being used to help diagnose your symptoms, it must be done while you are still eating foods that contain gluten. So if you have started a gluten-free diet, your doctor will have you go …
Medical tests
… procedure. Preparing for the procedure You may need to stop eating and drinking before the day of the procedure. If this … into your stomach and duodenum . Your doctor looks at all three of these areas as the scope moves forward. When it … notice a brief, sharp burning or stinging when the IV is started in your arm. The local anesthetic sprayed into your …
Medical tests
… For instance, have you had a reaction from a bee sting or eating shellfish? Are allergic to any medicines. This … is always a slight risk of damage to cells or tissue from being exposed to any radiation, including the low levels of … how we develop our content . Media gallery Anatomy of a healthy joint … Test Overview An arthrogram is a test using …
Medical tests
… Preparing for the procedure Talk to your doctor about the types of anesthesia and which type is best for you. Be sure … own. Follow the instructions exactly about when to stop eating and drinking. If you don't, your procedure may be … with sterile cloths. For this test, you will have one of three kinds of anesthesia. Local anesthetic . This …
Medical tests
… strep bacteria are present. Antibiotic treatment can be started. A positive test result does not distinguish those people with an active strep infection from those who are carriers of strep … test result does not distinguish those people with an active strep infection from those who are carriers of strep …
Medical tests
… hard to see on ultrasound. And they can't be felt during a physical examination. But abnormal parathyroid glands may be … You may be asked to turn your head away from the side being scanned so your jawbone is out of the way. You may be … hard to see on ultrasound. And they can't be felt during a physical examination. But abnormal parathyroid glands may be …