207 results found
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done This test is done to see if there is any active virus in the blood. It's sometimes used to see how … Why It Is Done This test is done to see if there is any active virus in the blood. It's sometimes used to see how …
Medical tests
… is called telemetry. It allows you to be checked without being hooked up to a machine. At some hospitals, the sensors … A normal result does not guarantee that your baby is healthy. Biophysical Profile (BPP) Test Fetal Ultrasound Medical Tests: …
Medical tests
… your doctor's instructions about how long you need to avoid eating and drinking before the test. Many medicines may … test. If radioactive carbon is used, the amount of radioactivity exposure is extremely small—less than you normally get from being outside during the day. Stool antigen test There are …
Medical tests
… test result does not distinguish those people with an active strep infection from those who are carriers of strep … test result does not distinguish those people with an active strep infection from those who are carriers of strep …
Medical tests
… light-headed, faint, dizzy, or nauseated while the blood is being taken from your artery. Most people feel a brief, … usually available right away. The concentration of oxygen being breathed, called the fraction of inhaled oxygen … light-headed, faint, dizzy, or nauseated while the blood is being taken from your artery. Most people feel a brief, …
Medical tests
… for these conditions. Look for problems from a chest injury, such as rib fractures or lung damage. Find foreign … or tuberculosis , is present. Problems such as a tumour, injury, or a condition such as edema from heart failure may … for these conditions. Look for problems from a chest injury, such as rib fractures or lung damage. Find foreign …
Medical tests
… into the urine. Also, vitamin D is converted to a more active form, causing the intestines to absorb more calcium … into the urine. Also, vitamin D is converted to a more active form, causing the intestines to absorb more calcium …
Medical tests
… only a very low level) is generally found in the blood of healthy men or healthy, non-pregnant women. The level of AFP in the blood … normal AFP result does not guarantee a normal pregnancy or healthy baby. High values In a pregnant woman , high …
Medical tests
… ability to control FSH production. Stress. Starvation or being very underweight. A female athlete is not having … ability to control FSH production. Stress. Starvation or being very underweight. A female athlete is not having …
Medical tests
… or a joint dislocated . It is also used to check for an injury or damage from conditions such as an infection, … X-ray technologist will position your limb. If you have an injury, your leg or arm will be handled gently and supported … may also be taken of other joints or limbs, since an injury at one point may cause damage somewhere else. …