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255 results found
Medical tests
… called an echo) uses sound waves to make an image of your heart. A device called a transducer is moved across your … The transducer sends sound waves that echo off your heart and back to the transducer. These echoes are turned into moving pictures of your heart that can be seen on a video screen. In a stress …
Medical tests
… during a catecholamine test. Catecholamines increase heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, muscle strength, … in the blood. This causes high blood pressure, excessive sweating, headaches, fast heartbeats (palpitations), and … or allergy remedies, including aspirin, or non-prescription diet pills for 2 weeks before the test. Having a blood …
Medical tests
… is done to find the cause of fluid buildup around the heart and to relieve pressure on the heart. The tissue sac that surrounds the heart is called the pericardium . It protects the heart and …
Medical tests
… high in people who have Cushing's syndrome. Sometimes other conditions can keep cortisol levels high during this test. … or an antacid. This can help prevent an upset stomach or heartburn. The next morning (usually at 8:00 a.m.), you will … Examples include heart attack or heart failure, fever, poor diet, an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), …
Medical tests
… fatigue, or bruising. A CBC also helps him or her diagnose conditions, such as anemia , infection, and many other … low. Why It Is Done A CBC may be done as part of a regular physical examination. There are many other reasons that a … include dehydration , diarrhea or vomiting, excessive sweating, and the use of diuretics . The lack of fluid in the …
Medical tests
… caused by: Dehydration , such as from diarrhea or vomiting. Eating a lot of salt. Kidney disease. An overactive … Low chloride levels may be caused by: Conditions that cause too much water to build up in the … of the blood above the normal range (metabolic alkalosis). Heart failure . Ongoing vomiting. …
Medical tests
… scan is done to: Study the brain's blood flow and metabolic activity. A PET scan can help a doctor find nervous system … This is called amyloid imaging. Find poor blood flow to the heart, which may mean coronary artery disease . Find damaged … scan is done to: Study the brain's blood flow and metabolic activity. A PET scan can help a doctor find nervous system …
Medical tests
… muscles squeeze together, help blood clot, and help the heart to work. Almost all of the calcium in the body is … test can't be used to check for a lack of calcium in your diet or for the loss of calcium from the bones ( … muscles squeeze together, help blood clot, and help the heart to work. Almost all of the calcium in the body is …
Medical tests
… by Hodgkin disease , leukemia , infection, inflammatory conditions (such as arthritis or lupus ), or a diet that is too high in iron. Too much iron in body organs, such as the pancreas or heart, can affect how the organ works. Low values Low …
Medical tests
… A chest X-ray is a picture of the chest that shows your heart, lungs, airway, blood vessels, and lymph nodes . A … as a cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain. Find lung conditions—such as pneumonia, lung cancer, chronic … ), or cystic fibrosis —and monitor treatment for these conditions. Find some heart problems, such as an enlarged …