274 results found
Medical tests
… thing in the morning, just after you wake up but before you get out of bed. This is called a resting pulse. Some people … pulse while you exercise. How It Feels Checking your pulse should not cause pain. Risks Checking your pulse should not … level Beats per minute (bpm) Babies to age 1: 100–160 Children ages 1 to 10: 70–120 Children ages 11 to 17: 60–100 …
Medical tests
… ). It is often done to check lymph nodes to see if you should have lung removal surgery to treat lung cancer. … and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get home on your own. Understand exactly what procedure is … during your procedure. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of them before the procedure and how …
Medical tests
… an orchiectomy. A testicular biopsy may also be done to get sperm for in vitro fertilization for intracytoplasmic … problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of them before the test and how soon … or when the local anesthetic is given. Other than that, you should feel no pain. Risks There is a small risk of bleeding …
Medical tests
… been exposed to the virus. The test can't tell if you will get sores or where on the body they might show up. The test … that are important to many health problems. STI Testing: Should I Get Tested for a Sexually Transmitted Infection? … to a person who has genital herpes. Learn more STI Testing: Should I Get Tested for a Sexually Transmitted Infection? …
Medical tests
… bones and muscles healthy and strong. If your muscles don't get enough calcium, they can cramp, hurt, or feel weak. You … and brittle bones ( osteoporosis ) in your later years. Children who don't get enough vitamin D may not grow as much … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Medical tests
… to the stomach. Find out if the esophagus is working as it should. Check how the esophagus works before surgery for … carry the device by a strap around your waist or over your shoulder. The probe checks the pH of your esophagus for up … for a careful sponge bath, or do anything else that might get the device wet. For wireless pH monitoring, you will …
Medical tests
… or to try to avoid pregnancy. A woman is most often able to get pregnant for about 6 days each month. This includes the … in your shortest menstrual cycle. Your first fertile day should be that many days after your menstrual bleeding … days in your longest menstrual cycle. Your last fertile day should be that many days after your menstrual bleeding …
Medical tests
… affect the test results. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of them before the test and how soon … usually from the arm. Heel stick A heel stick is used to get a blood sample from a baby. The baby's heel is poked, … site. Results Phosphate levels are usually higher in children than in adults. That's because of the active bone …
Medical tests
… sleep and shortly after you wake up. Prolactin levels also get higher during times of physical or emotional stress. … prolactin testing. A woman having abnormal nipple discharge should not do anything to cause more discharge before the … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Medical tests
… by the kidneys. When the kidneys are working as they should, there may be a very small amount of albumin in the … give you the container you need to hold the urine. You will get instructions on when and how to collect the urine. This … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …