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322 results found
Medical tests
… to see how well the immune system is working in people who have been diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) … your prior CD4+ count results. How To Prepare Before you have this test, you may have the opportunity to meet with a counsellor so that you …
Medical tests
… is a good way to tell if your baby is doing well or may have some problems. Two types of monitoring can be done: external and internal. External monitoring You may have external monitoring at different times during your … as a beeping sound or printed out on a chart. How often you have contractions and how long they last may be printed on a …
Medical tests
… doctor studies the tissue under a microscope. Most people have this procedure after they have abnormal results from a Pap or human papillomavirus … If the doctor does a biopsy, you may feel a pinch and have some cramping. Why It Is Done Colposcopy is done to: …
Medical tests
… with: Gene changes (such as BRCA). Close family members who have had breast cancer. A history of radiation therapy to … is leaking. Women at increased risk for breast cancer may have screening tests that alternate between MRIs and … of problems. How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you …
Medical tests
… doing the test when you could be pregnant. Your doctor may have you take an over-the-counter pain medicine, such as … Some of the fluid may leak out after the test. You also may have some slight bleeding. How It Is Done How is a … polyps ) are seen in the uterus. Abnormal: The uterus may have an abnormal shape or structure. The uterus may have
Medical tests
… effect exercise has on airflow. Most people with asthma have some decreased airflow during or after exercise. But most people who have asthma do not need an exercise challenge test. … physical examination, and initial treatment. You may also have a specific inhalation challenge. In this test, your …
Medical tests
… can be done in your doctor's office or clinic. You may have an injection of a numbing medicine ( local anesthetic … are no complications after a biopsy. Why It Is Done You may have a biopsy if any of the following are true: Your doctor … is not sure what type of abnormal tissue is present. Warts have not responded to treatment. Warts appear unusual. …
Medical tests
… use thick and thin blood smears to determine whether you have malaria. If one test is negative and no parasites are found, you will have repeated blood smears every 8 hours for a couple of … hours for 1 or 2 days if he or she still suspects that you have malaria. Abnormal Parasites are present in red blood …
Medical tests
… A test may be done when: footnote 1 A person is thought to have TB, but confirmation is needed before sputum culture … with bacteria other than TB bacteria. A person who may have TB has been close to other people who will need treatment if they have been exposed. Sputum Culture Sputum …
Medical tests
… This can help guide treatment. Check a person who may not have any symptoms of infection but who carries bacteria that … a carrier. How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if you have recently taken any antibiotics. How It Is Done You will …