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322 results found
Medical tests
… Overview A dilated eye examination lets your eye doctor see the back of your eye ( retina ). It's … usually part of a regular eye examination. You may also have a vision test and a test for glaucoma. How is a dilated … It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to fully dilate the pupils. When your pupils are dilated, your doctor will shine a …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A breath alcohol test is an estimate of your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). The test measures … balloon and a tube) containing crystals that change colour when exposed to alcohol from your breath. This device is … driving. The safest decision is always not to drive if you have been drinking. BAC is commonly used by police and other …
Medical tests
… small intestine problems, or people with a family history of this anemia. Diagnose the cause of certain types of … water) for 10 to 12 hours before the test. How It Is Done Your health professional drawing blood will: Wrap an elastic … needle to fill it with blood. Remove the band from your arm when enough blood is collected. Put a gauze pad or cotton …
Medical tests
… space (subarachnoid space) between the bones in your spine (spinal canal). A myelogram may be done to find a … exactly what your doctor wants you to do. Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine … You may feel a quick, sharp pain down your buttock or leg when the needle is moved in your spine. You may find it hard …
Medical tests
… CT scans may also be used. A prostate biopsy may be done: When a blood test shows a high level of prostate-specific … cancer for someone on active surveillance. Why It Is Done You may need a prostate biopsy if your doctor found … during your examination. A biopsy can help find out if you have prostate cancer. It may also be done for other reasons, …
Medical tests
… abnormal results from a mammogram. Look at the breasts in younger women because their breast tissue is often more … cancer has spread in a breast. Check your breasts if you have silicone breast implants or dense breasts. In these … areas of your breast. How It Feels The gel may feel cold when it is put on your breast. You will feel light pressure …
Medical tests
… plaque is done using a product that stains the plaque on your teeth. Dental plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that … swabs. These products stain plaque that was missed when you brushed and flossed along your gum lines and … red, but this is not a problem. Use a dental mirror, if you have one, to help see behind teeth and the areas in the back …
Medical tests
… or join with (fertilize) an egg. These tests may be done when you're having trouble getting pregnant (infertility). There … or join with (fertilize) an egg. These tests may be done when you're having trouble getting pregnant (infertility). …
Medical tests
… to make pictures of the head and face. During the test, you will lie on a table that is attached to the CT scanner, … damaged. How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you … or dye is used, you may feel a quick sting or pinch when the IV is started. The dye may make you feel warm and …
Medical tests
… test that can check for problem areas in certain tissues in your body. A radioactive tracer (tracer) called gallium … bones, liver, and intestine, and areas that are inflamed or have a buildup of white blood cells . After the tracer … days), and 72 hours (3 days) after the tracer is injected. When you come in for the scan, you may need to remove your …