329 results found
Medical tests
… (also called an echo) uses sound waves to make an image of your heart. A device called a transducer is moved across … and after your heart is made to work hard (stressed). You exercise to make your heart work hard. Sometimes, instead of … 60 minutes. How It Feels You may have a brief, sharp pain when the intravenous (IV) needle is placed in a vein in your …
Medical tests
… (SGOT). Low levels of AST are normally found in the blood. When body tissue or an organ such as the heart or liver is … High levels of AST may be caused by: Liver damage from conditions such as hepatitis or cirrhosis . A heart attack … aspirin, opioids , and barbiturates . Very strenuous exercise or severe injury to a muscle. High doses of vitamin …
Medical tests
… test. It also may be used to test people with a family history of cystic fibrosis and for anyone with symptoms of … 24 hours before the test. Your child may eat, drink, and exercise normally before the test. If your child takes any … isn't in the normal range may still be normal for you. Many conditions can change chloride levels. Your doctor will …
Medical tests
… a hard time becoming pregnant ( infertile ). In a man when a pituitary gland problem is suspected. Also, a … between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Emotional stress or strenuous exercise just before the test can raise prolactin levels. … for unknown reasons (idiopathic hyperprolactinemia). Other conditions that can cause high prolactin levels include …
Medical tests
… before the test. Do not eat, drink, smoke, or do strenuous exercise for at least 8 hours before your first blood sample … before the test.) How It Is Done A blood sample is taken when you arrive for the test. This is your fasting blood … or other problems of the pancreas. Liver disease. Many conditions can change blood glucose levels. Your doctor will …
Medical tests
… in the red blood cells. People who have diabetes or other conditions that increase their blood glucose levels have … during the day for many reasons, including medicine, diet, exercise, and the level of insulin in the blood. It is … is in the plasma part of blood. This test shows how well your diabetes has been managed in the last 2 to 3 months and …
Medical tests
… Check the health of the heart when other diseases or conditions are present. These include high blood pressure, … cholesterol, cigarette smoking, diabetes, and a family history of early heart disease. How To Prepare Understand … Electrocardiogram (EKG) Electrical System of the Heart Exercise Electrocardiogram (EKG) Medical Tests: Questions to …
Medical tests
… life, so its levels in the blood are closely controlled. When cortisol levels rise, ACTH levels normally fall. When … how long depending on what medicine you take. Do not exercise for 12 hours before this test. Try to avoid … medicines. ACTH and cortisol levels in specific conditions Condition ACTH Cortisol Cushing's disease High …
Medical tests
… are two types of ophthalmoscopy. Direct ophthalmoscopy. Your doctor uses a tool that is about the size of a small … of the eye, such as retina problems. Help find other conditions or diseases that damage the eye. Look for the … this test. If the test is painful, let the doctor know. When dilating eyedrops are used Dilating drops may make your …
Medical tests
… substance called a tracer is injected into a vein in your arm. The tracer travels through your bloodstream and … Find damage to the bones caused by infection or other conditions, such as Paget's disease. How To Prepare If you … How It Feels You may feel nothing at all from the needle when the tracer is injected, or you may feel a brief sting …