329 results found
Medical tests
… vessel, nerve, or psychological issues. To find the cause, your doctor will first ask about your sexual history and do … nerves of the penis. Problems such as multiple sclerosis or diabetes may cause nerve damage. Surgery, injury, or … nerves of the penis. Problems such as multiple sclerosis or diabetes may cause nerve damage. Surgery, injury, or …
Medical tests
… water) for 10 to 12 hours before the test. How It Is Done Your health professional drawing blood will: Wrap an elastic … In rare cases, high levels may be found in people with diabetes or who are obese . Low values Low levels of vitamin … In rare cases, high levels may be found in people with diabetes or who are obese . Low values Low levels of vitamin …
Medical tests
… because its symptoms are similar to those of many other illnesses. If you and your doctor think you have Lyme disease, your doctor will do … because its symptoms are similar to those of many other illnesses. If you and your doctor think you have Lyme …
Medical tests
… test uses ultrasound to look at the inside of your uterus. A salt (saline) solution is put in the uterus … or problems getting pregnant. If a contrast fluid is used, your doctor will look at the fallopian tubes too. This is … on the edge of a padded table. Then you lie back with your feet and legs supported by footrests. This test is done in …
Medical tests
… . A vaginal self-examination may help you better understand your body, the changes that take place during the menstrual … The best time to do a vaginal self-examination is between your menstrual periods. A vaginal self-examination should … support your back with pillows. Bend your knees, place your feet near your bottom, lean slightly backward, and spread …
Medical tests
… takes pictures of the organs and other structures in your upper belly. It uses sound waves to show images on a … to send bile to the bowels (intestines) . The bile helps your body digest food and absorb vitamins that dissolve in … Kidneys . This pair of organs is in the upper part of your belly, but toward your back. The kidneys remove wastes …
Medical tests
… people have one of four blood types: A, B, AB, or O. If your red blood cells have: The A antigen. You have type A blood. The liquid portion of your blood (plasma) has antibodies that attack type B blood. … (A+) blood. The B antigen. You have type B blood. Your plasma has antibodies that attack type A blood. About 9 …
Medical tests
… Sleep studies are tests that record what happens to your body during sleep. The studies are done to find out … terrors, bedwetting, and REM behaviour disorders (RBD). Conditions such as periodic limb movement disorder . This is … while you sleep. The technician will be in a separate room checking the recordings. There are different ways the test …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview Colposcopy lets a doctor look at your vulva , vagina , and cervix. If the doctor sees a … a Pap or human papillomavirus (HPV) test. During the test, your doctor puts a lubricated tool into your vagina. This is … will then lie on your back on an examination table. Your feet will be supported by footrests. The doctor will place a …
Medical tests
… time (PTT) is a blood test that measures the time it takes your blood to clot. A PTT test can be used to check for … can cause bleeding disorders such as hemophilia . Check for conditions that cause clotting problems. Conditions such as antiphospholipid antibody syndrome or …