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Medical tests
… done around week 16 to see if a fetus has certain genetic conditions. It can also tell the sex of a fetus and help … are any problems that put the baby at risk for certain conditions, such as Down syndrome . But this test can't find … father carries an abnormal gene that is known to cause a disease. These diseases include Tay-Sachs disease , sickle …
Medical tests
… between calcium and phosphate may be disrupted by some diseases or infections. For this reason, phosphate and … may be done to check phosphate levels if you have kidney disease or bone disease. It helps find problems with certain glands, such as …
Medical tests
… deficiencies are available. Help identify a rare inherited disease ( homocystinuria ) that causes a deficiency of one … 0.54–2.3 mg/L 4–17 micromoles per litre (mcmol/L) Many conditions can affect homocysteine levels. Your doctor will … folic acid , vitamin B6, or vitamin B12 in your diet. Other conditions or diseases, such as homocystinuria , kidney …
Medical tests
… adrenal glands ( Conn's syndrome ). Heart failure. Kidney disease. Liver disease. A condition during pregnancy that causes high blood … values Low aldosterone levels can be caused by: Addison's disease . Kidney disease, such as the types of kidney …
Medical tests
… makes more ALP than the other organs or the bones. Some conditions cause large amounts of ALP in the blood. These conditions include rapid bone growth (during puberty), bone disease (such as Paget's disease or cancer that has spread …
Medical tests
… of the spine. They may be taken to find injuries or diseases that affect the discs or joints in your spine. … Check the spine for problems present at birth (congenital conditions), such as spina bifida , in infants, children, or … Check the spine for problems present at birth (congenital conditions), such as spina bifida , in infants, children, or …
Medical tests
… find certain problems with your fetus . These include many diseases that run in families (genetic conditions) and chromosome problems. It is done during early … or needle to the right spot. CVS can find many genetic conditions, such as Tay-Sachs disease and hemophilia . It …
Medical tests
… acid levels get higher when strenuous exercise or other conditions—such as heart failure , a severe infection … can also get higher when the liver is severely damaged or diseased, because the liver normally breaks down lactic … the liver from breaking down lactic acid in the blood. Conditions such as severe bleeding, shock , severe …
Medical tests
… problems, infection, and cataracts . Galactosemia is a rare disease that is passed from parents to children ( inherited … risk of galactosemia will be confirmed by other tests. Many conditions can change galactose levels. Your doctor will … risk of galactosemia will be confirmed by other tests. Many conditions can change galactose levels. Your doctor will …
Medical tests
… fatigue, or bruising. A CBC also helps him or her diagnose conditions, such as anemia , infection, and many other … or toxic reaction to medicines or chemicals, and many conditions, such as leukemia . Red blood cell (RBC) count. … MPV is used along with platelet count to diagnose some diseases. If the platelet count is normal, the MPV can still …