309 results found
Medical tests
… and brain help you keep your balance and position (such as when you change from lying down to standing). ENG is done to … head or nystagmus that does not go away may be caused by conditions that affect the inner ear, brain, or the nerves … problem, tell your doctor, so your neck and back will be protected during the test. How It Is Done …
Medical tests
… ribs and remove a sample of lung tissue. It is usually done when the other methods of lung biopsy have not been … It Is Done A lung biopsy is done to: Diagnose certain lung conditions, such as sarcoidosis or pulmonary fibrosis . In … It Is Done A lung biopsy is done to: Diagnose certain lung conditions, such as sarcoidosis or pulmonary fibrosis . In …
Medical tests
Medical tests
… tests measure electrical activity that occurs in your eye when you look at something. Electrophysiology includes … is working. The test may be used to check for or evaluate conditions such as retina problems, optic nerve problems, … is working. The test may be used to check for or evaluate conditions such as retina problems, optic nerve problems, …
Medical tests
… puberty (also called precocious puberty). Puberty is early when it starts in females younger than age 8 and in males … the package directions exactly if you are doing the test yourself at home. You may also be given a plastic test strip … (LH is present) or "negative" (LH is not present). Many conditions can change LH levels. Your doctor will discuss …
Medical tests
… because its symptoms are similar to those of many other illnesses. If you and your doctor think you have Lyme … with the heart, brain, or nerves. Testing is most accurate when you have risk factors for Lyme disease or symptoms of … because its symptoms are similar to those of many other illnesses. If you and your doctor think you have Lyme …
Medical tests
… of the chest and another from the side. In an emergency when only one X-ray picture is taken, a front view is … as a cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain. Find lung conditions—such as pneumonia, lung cancer, chronic … are pregnant, a lead apron will be put over your belly to protect the baby from exposure to radiation from the X-rays. …
Medical tests
… damaged by a heart attack. A set of pictures will be made when you are at rest and after your heart has been stressed, … a low-level exercise stress test. Medicine is also used when a person can't exercise for some reason. For this test, … You may feel a brief stinging or burning sensation when the IV is inserted into your vein. You may be …
Medical tests
… of the eye, such as retina problems. Help find other conditions or diseases that damage the eye. Look for the … this test. If the test is painful, let the doctor know. When dilating eyedrops are used Dilating drops may make your … of the eye, such as retina problems. Help find other conditions or diseases that damage the eye. Look for the …
Medical tests
… the upper and lower teeth line up. They also show bone loss when severe gum disease or a dental infection is present. … gland from radiation. Everyone else in the room wears a protective apron or stays behind a protective shield. The dental technician will have you bite …