218 results found
Medical tests
Medical tests
… accumulates. This method of finding bleeding is sometimes more effective than angiography. The … accumulates. This method of finding bleeding is sometimes more effective than angiography. The …
Medical tests
… on the day of the test. Plan to stay home during your prep time since you will need to use the toilet often. The colon … on the day of the test. Plan to stay home during your prep time since you will need to use the toilet often. The colon …
Medical tests
… fibronectin, a protein. Fetal fibronectin testing is sometimes done when someone has symptoms of preterm labour. If … fibronectin, a protein. Fetal fibronectin testing is sometimes done when someone has symptoms of preterm labour. If …
Medical tests
… study usually takes 30 to 45 minutes. But the actual time the barium is held inside is only 10 to 15 minutes. A … will be able to help you. The X-ray table is hard and sometimes cold because air-conditioning is used to keep the … little chance of a problem from having a barium enema. Sometimes the barium that remains in the colon hardens. This can …
Medical tests
… results of CVS are available sooner. This gives you more time to make decisions about your pregnancy or plan for the … results of CVS are available sooner. This gives you more time to make decisions about your pregnancy or plan for the …
Medical tests
… rhythm problems you have and where those problems are. Sometimes the problem can be fixed at the same time. A procedure called catheter ablation uses the … before the test. You will be taken to a special room, sometimes called a "cath lab" or "EP lab." You will lie on a …
Medical tests
… than A, B, and Rh) that occur on red blood cells can sometimes also cause problems. So they are also checked for a … than A, B, and Rh) that occur on red blood cells can sometimes also cause problems. So they are also checked for a …
Medical tests
… Done Results Overview An evoked potential test measures the time it takes for nerves to respond to stimulation. The size … shock. Responses from the electrodes are recorded. The time between the stimulation and the response is called the … conditions, such as multiple sclerosis. Results Normal The time between the stimulation and the nerve's response is …
Medical tests
… uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. Timed urine test You collect your urine for a period of time, such as over 4 or 24 hours. Your doctor will give you … your bladder. But don't save this urine. Write down the time you began. For the set period of time, collect all your …