198 results found
Medical tests
… A high level of RF can be caused by several autoimmune diseases (including rheumatoid arthritis ) and some … (SLE) , scleroderma , Sjögren's syndrome , and vasculitis. Infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis , mononucleosis , … (SLE) , scleroderma , Sjögren's syndrome , and vasculitis. Infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis , mononucleosis , …
Medical tests
… antibody testing is usually done when you have symptoms of infectious mononucleosis and a rapid mono test result is … antibody testing is usually done when you have symptoms of infectious mononucleosis and a rapid mono test result is …
Medical tests
… , or nephrotic syndrome . An exudate may be caused by diseases, such as infection ( pneumonia ), chest injury, … enzyme level, a high protein level, and bacteria or other infectious organisms. If cancer is present, the exudate will … enzyme level, a high protein level, and bacteria or other infectious organisms. If cancer is present, the exudate will …
Medical tests
… remove a lung tissue sample. This method may be used if an infectious disease is suspected, if the abnormal lung tissue … in the lung may be due to active infection, certain lung diseases, or several different types of cancer. If lung … remove a lung tissue sample. This method may be used if an infectious disease is suspected, if the abnormal lung tissue …
Medical tests
… ulcers or a fungus such as candida that sometimes causes infectious esophagitis. Many conditions can affect the … ulcers or a fungus such as candida that sometimes causes infectious esophagitis. Many conditions can affect the …
Medical tests
… cord (such as subarachnoid hemorrhage ). Diagnose certain diseases of the brain and spinal cord, such as multiple … CSF is normally clear and colourless. Other results: No infectious organisms (such as bacteria, fungi, or a virus) … CSF is normally clear and colourless. Other results: No infectious organisms (such as bacteria, fungi, or a virus) …
Medical tests
… can be done on the fluid to see whether bacteria or other infectious organisms are present. Lactate dehydrogenase … can be done on the fluid to see whether bacteria or other infectious organisms are present. Lactate dehydrogenase …
Medical tests
… bacteria and viruses. But in disorders known as autoimmune diseases, the immune system attacks and destroys the body's … and systemic lupus erythematosus are examples of autoimmune diseases. An ANA test is used along with your symptoms, … ANA levels can also increase as a person ages. Autoimmune diseases can't be diagnosed by the results of the ANA test …
Medical tests
… common type of hemoglobin found normally in adults. Some diseases, such as severe forms of thalassemia , may cause … small amounts of hemoglobin F are made after birth. Some diseases, such as sickle cell disease , aplastic anemia , … may be present without any other symptoms, may cause mild diseases that do not have symptoms, or cause diseases that …
Medical tests
… isn't in the normal range may still be normal for you. Some diseases that cause inflammation don't increase the sed … High values High sed rates may be caused by: Autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid … isn't in the normal range may still be normal for you. Some diseases that cause inflammation don't increase the sed …