272 results found
Medical tests
… Test Overview Blood type tests are done before a person gets a blood transfusion and to check a pregnant woman's … have the same antigens as yours (compatible blood). If you get a transfusion that has different antigens (incompatible … check a woman's blood type. If she is Rh-negative, she can get a shot of Rh immunoglobulin that almost always prevents …
Medical tests
… also can study blood vessels, bones, and the spinal cord. Fluoroscopy CT is a special test that isn't widely … scan can look for problems of the arms or legs, such as the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle, or foot. … unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if you get nervous in tight spaces. You may get a medicine to help …
Medical tests
… or that your body is not processing the medicine as it should. Low values Low levels of prescription or … or that your body is not processing the medicine as it should. Low values Low levels of prescription or …
Medical tests
… is used to see whether a breast lump is filled with fluid (a cyst ) or if it is a solid lump. An ultrasound does … examination. It is used to see whether a breast lump is fluid-filled (a cyst) or if it is a solid lump. A lump that … the waist. You will be given a gown to drape around your shoulders. Remove all jewellery from around your neck. Gel …
Medical tests
… take about 30 to 60 minutes. Most of this time is spent getting ready for the scan. The actual test takes a few … be harmless, most will be treated. This means that you may get treatment—including surgery, radiation , or chemotherapy … your radiation exposure. There is a small chance of getting cancer from that extra exposure. The scan can show …
Medical tests
… Information Overview Tympanocentesis is the removal of fluid from behind the eardrum. The doctor uses a special … needle with a tube attached to collect the sample of fluid. A culture and sensitivity test is usually done on the sample of fluid. Before the test, your child may get medicine to help relax. Or a doctor or nurse may apply …
Medical tests
… life insurance companies may require a test before you can get insurance. This is because people who smoke tend to have … your test result may be positive. But you may be able to get another test that can show that you are using … life insurance companies may require a test before you can get insurance. This is because people who smoke tend to have …
Medical tests
… are usually taken at 2 days and again at 3 days after you get the tracer. The tracer stays in you until your body gets … through your urine or stool within a day. So be sure to flush the toilet right after you use it, and wash your hands … through your urine or stool within a day. So be sure to flush the toilet right after you use it, and wash your hands …
Medical tests
… antigens ) on the surface of red blood cells . If you get a blood transfusion, the transfused blood must match … must have the same antigens as your red blood cells. If you get a transfusion of blood with antigens different from … or newborn may die. A woman with Rh-negative blood can get a shot of Rh immunoglobulin (such as WinRho) that almost …
Medical tests
… is working. Arthroscopy is most often done on the knee, shoulder, and ankle. It also can be done on the hip, elbow, … or rebuilt. Collect a sample of joint tissue or joint fluid (synovial fluid) for testing (biopsy). Remove scar … and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get home on your own. If you have arthroscopy of your ankle, …