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Medical tests
… of a kidney stone shows the type of stone which can guide treatment and give information that may prevent more stones … A kidney stone (renal calculus) forms in the kidney from substances that would normally pass out of the body in the … through a ureter or the urethra may be painless or it may cause severe pain. A kidney stone may cause other symptoms, …
Medical tests
… screen is a blood test that measures the levels of several substances in the blood (such as electrolytes ). A chemistry … helps look for certain problems, and finds out whether treatment for a specific problem is working. Some chemistry … you have this test. How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. …
Medical tests
… It Is Done A cardiac perfusion scan is done to: Find the cause of unexplained chest pain or pressure. Find the cause of … attack. Identify coronary artery disease (CAD) . Help make treatment decisions for a person with CAD. Check to see that … nuclear medicine department, in a doctor's office, or at an outpatient clinic. Resting scan For resting scans, in which …
Medical tests
… germs (such as bacteria, a virus, or a fungus ) that can cause an infection. A sample of skin, tissue, or fluid is added to a substance that promotes the growth of germs. If no germs … more likely to get infected. Make decisions about the best treatment for an infection. This is called sensitivity …
Medical tests
… to find germs (such as bacteria) in the urine that can cause an infection. Bacteria can enter through the urethra and … tract infection (UTI) . A sample of urine is added to a substance that promotes the growth of germs. If no germs … can also find the cause of a UTI, help determine the best treatment for a UTI, and find out whether the treatment has …
Medical tests
… Overview Overview A complement test uses a blood sample to detect a group of proteins that help the body attack foreign substances. When there are a lot of foreign substances in the body, such as bacteria or viruses, a low …
Medical tests
… in the blood to help identify some diseases. Proteins are substances made up of smaller building blocks called amino … in an electrical field. Serum protein electrophoresis uses an electrical field to separate the proteins in the … albumin and globulin. Both albumin and globulin carry substances through the bloodstream. Using protein …
Medical tests
… Positron emission tomography (PET) is a test that uses a special type of camera and a tracer (radioactive substance) to look at organs in the body. The tracer usually … PET scans to evaluate cancer. Help a doctor choose the best treatment for cancer or to see how well treatment is …
Medical tests
… conditions, such as anemia , infection, and many other disorders. A CBC test usually includes: White blood cell … very quickly. The number of white blood cells is sometimes used to find an infection or to see how the body is dealing with cancer treatment. White blood cell types (WBC differential). The …
Medical tests
… measure how serious they are, and check to see how well treatment for a lung disease is working. The tests look at: … monoxide (CO) into the blood. Two different methods are used for this test. Single-breath or breath-holding method: … tests are done to measure how your airways respond to substances that may be causing asthma or wheezing. These …